Episode 66: The Community and Your Contributions

News & Personal Updates

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  • How to contribute to the community:
    • Code
      • Develop mint tools
      • Translate Apps
      • Make new apps
      • NOTE: Link to Illumination software creator HERE
    • Forums/IRC
      • Help people
      • Get help
      • Discuss new mint features
    • Ideas/Tutorials/Community site
    • Spread the word
      • Tell a friend
      • Tell a neighbor
      • Hand out Cds
      • turn on desktop effects when around friends and show off the desktop LMDE/Compiz stuff link here
    • Make/join a podcast

Website of the Week

Tip of the Week


  • None

More info

Hosts: Rob, Scott, James, Harrison
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/ The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar. MP3:


15 Replies to “Episode 66: The Community and Your Contributions”

  1. Junkyard Sam

    Oh oh! Harrison’s voice track is pasted on about 5-6 seconds before everyone else’s. It’s hilarious – like Harrison is just talking over everyone and then 5-6 second gaps. It’s listenable, but has a series of bloopers. =)

    Enjoying the show in spite of this of this. =)

  2. dencar

    Sorry, but I think it was worse than Junkyard Sam says. The talking over sections were unintelligible and the following pregnant pauses excruciating. I felt embarrassed for the panel. What happened to the editing and does someone listen to it before it is put to air? Sorry to be critical about two episodes, but the content is great, shame about the production.

  3. JamesC

    To my knowledge nothing was wrong with the uploads. I personally listen to them before each upload. I listened to this Ep on my phone yesterday and it sounded fine. Harrison was not overlapping anyone. It is present though in the upload so I will re-upload for you and hopefully it will get resolved.

  4. Kevin Saylor

    Yeah, there definitely was a lot of overlap but I found it to be rather amusing. I appreciated your discussion of the tools which are available to the linux mint community. I’m relatively new to linux mint and very new to the great tools that are available. These are a must for the new user. Thanks for all the work you guys do to produce the podcast and keep up the good work.

  5. BostonPeng

    I haven’t had a chance to listen to all of it yet, and I have to day the overlaps is distracting.

    The wireless issues you’re having may be solved by compiling the code yourself. It’s a pain but it may resolve your issue.

    To get your echo to show before your PPA Updater actually runs the sudo apt-get update you may be able to move the echo line above the update line. I had to do this with a bash script I wrote to update some weather forecast images from my local tv station on my digital media player. I don’t know how to get the screen to stop freezing but if you put your echo before the command it should at least let you see it before the screen freezes.

    • Harrison

      Hey Peng, The problem is that it is above the apt-get update line (at least the last time I checked) I will look into it some more, I have heard that threads in python might solve my problem.

  6. John Slaughter

    Love your podcasts;and even though I have heard some of the news it is interesting to hear someone else discussing things that touch our lives and our software.I have convinced several people to come to Linux but I am hitting a wall because I’m running out of people I see everyday who are Windows only people most of the people I know use Macs (at home) and they aren’t changing You mentioned bugs every software has issues in windows they fix them slowly and you mentioned why switch;speed everything runs faster in Linux.On a dual boot,no comparison.I first tried Mint last week been using Ubuntu and Zorin 4.The menus in mint to me are the best I’ve seen;I love the layout.BTW I switched because the “Vista” bug bit me;they can call it perception I call it a bad OS.I’ve played with windows 7 some it is fast when the hardware is strong and fast;sure I have to use windows too but I choose not to when possible.

    • Rob

      Tong, we try to cover a lot of different topics that are of interest to the Linux Mint community. News from other distros is interesting because changes in one distro often have an impact on the whole Linux community. Hopefully, we can put a “minty” spin on these discussions!

  7. BostonPeng

    There’s another great search tool, the CrunchBang Ubuntu Search Engine (http://crunchbang.org/ubuntu-search-engine/). I’ve not only got it on my custom start page so it’s handy, I also added it to the search tools in Chromium.

    As far as a KDE-flavored LMDE goes, I’d love it! It may even supplant the regular Mint KDE as my preferred distro.

    Windows users refer to bugs as errors? I thought they were features. [/rimshot]

  8. Frank

    Why was the sync of the different voice-tracks jacked-up? Harrison was talking all over the previous speaker but was in sync with a faint “under track”.

    • Harrison

      Okay, for every one to come and for everyone who has asked, the problem was an upload error as James listened through the whole thing before uploading it and to James ears it was fine! It should be fixed by now but if it isn’t then write us in.


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