Episode 61: How We Make Mintcast

News & Personal Updates

Main Topic

  • 0:28:18 The making of mintCast.

Website of the Week

Tip of the Podcast

  • 1:55:12 Phatch – A batch photo editor

Feedback and Announcements

  • 1:56:02 MintFAQ

More info

Hosts: Harrison, James, Rob, Scott
Subscribe to the podcast: [iTunes] [Zune] [RSS MP3] [RSS OGG]
Contact podcast:
Forum: mintCast
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-832-514-2278
Twitter: @mintCast @Linux_Mint
IRC: irc.spotchat.org – #mintcast
More Linux Mint info: Linux Mint website, blog, forums, community

Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/
The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.



11 Replies to “Episode 61: How We Make Mintcast”

  1. Ron Rieves

    I have been a Linux user on and off for the last three years. About a year ago I decided to take the plunge with Mint 9 and wipe Vista off of my laptop, I wish I would have done that sooner. I started listening to your podcast at episode 48 and look forward the weekly releases. Midweek I download an older podcast or two and listen to them whenever I get a chance. I am in Iraq now and listening to your podcasts has helped make the time fly by a little faster.
    Thank you for all of the work you do with the podcast and keep up the good work.

  2. Junkyard Sam

    Hey guys, I love your podcast. I work in the videogame industry as an artist and I listen while I draw…

    You guys have great insight on what’s going on in the Linux community. Oddly, just listening makes me feel sort of connected to the Linux community.

    THANK YOU for putting out your shows. I really enjoyed hearing the inspiration as to how and why you guys put out Mintcast, and learning about how much work you put into it – and how much you care about the audience listening. That drew me here to the website to say thanks for your work!

    Please keep putting these out! Every new show makes my day go by a little better. =)

    PS. I’m new to the show so I’ve only heard the last 3 or 4 – but I don’t think I’ve heard you mention Jolicloud/JoliOS yet. Definitely check that out – it’s a particularly interesting distribution… Almost like a cloudbased iOS.

  3. Easy

    Love the podcasts! Keep up the good work.

    Some of us have a problem reaching many of the websites you all mention in the podcasts.

    I tried to get to the “http://www.humblebundle.com/” only to be denied access. Not because of HumbleBundle, but because the oh-so-intelligent Mainland Chinese website sniffers!!!!!

    In their ever-so-egotistical superiority mentality, they deny us (local nationals & ex-pats) access to way too many sites. Many of which have nothing to do with any subversive natures towards theirs backward fascist system of ruling (which isn’t too far removed from their ousted emperor system.)

  4. Peng Hardin

    From the show title I thought there would be more of a look at actual production process (ok, so I’m both a geek and an audio guy).

    The app I love for batch image processing on KDE is MIK, the KDE Image Menu (http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11505). It’s a Must Install on any KDE system I use, even on a LiveDVD/USB.

    I love the idea of a mintCast tee, but could you look at making them through Spreadshirt (http://www.spreadshirt.com/)? They have better quality (last time I checked) and their customer service runs rings around CP.

    • Harrison

      Hey there Peng, How did that make it in the podcast! I thought I had edited out! The reson why we wanted it edited was we didn’t want vaporware where we say that there are going to be…. and it doesn’t work out. Thanks for the info on the shirt company, I will check it out.

      To everyone else Thanks for commenting! It makes me fell like I’m doing something important and not just talking!

  5. madwoollything

    Great show and I particularly like discussion on Mint topics. For example the discussion of LMDE in the last podcast.

    I’ve been using LMDE on my netbook and laptop for a couple of months and have been impressed with its reliability. I was considering putting this on other computers within my household until my laptop completely locked up after some of the April updates. I’m still trying to figure out the solution but have to say that the Mint forums are excellent in providing ideas and suggestions.

    Your discussion helped me to better understand the underpinnings of LMDE and why perhaps I should use it myself on my own devices (where breakage is only a problem to me). Maybe it would be best to stick with the main Mint editions for other family members.

    Anyway …. keep up the excellent work and I appreciate the effort that goes into making Mintcast!

  6. Sid32

    The easiest way to test the Aurora Firefox betas is to download the file from http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/channel/ and then unzip to a folder and run the firefox file. It will update itself automatically, you can check the update status in help – about firefox.

    You can make an icon in your menu if you want and just delete the firefox aurora folder when you are done.

    This would make a great tip of the week.. I think…?

  7. TK

    Thanks for another good podcast this week. I started listening about when you started hosting and I think each episode is getting better.

    I agree covering topics that interest the hosts is a pretty good way of gaging what interest the listeners and likely yields a better show. I am looking forward to the NAS file server, programming tools, and distro surfing discussions (begging the eternal topic of why mint?). As far as the linux news summary as the program lead: mintcast is where I get a lot of my linux news in a busy week, keep it up. Next year throw out your own April’s Fool bait.

    Regarding the past episode on favorite apps: Tomboy is the default but I prefer Zim for keeping running notebooks. Integrated To Do lists, clean launcher, and quick links make for a slick notebook tool.

  8. Rick

    I too am looking forward to the distro-hopping discussions, as I’m very much a distrohopper. Sad to say I’ve already moved on from Mint Xfce after some breakages crippled my netbook. I know it doesn’t take much to fix them (just a perusal of the Linux Mint forums and a few terminal commands), but I much prefer stability and making sure everything “just works,” as I don’t always have the time to be hunting down fixes.

    I’m temporarily using Jolicloud/Joli OS for the time being, and while it’s a more than suitable distro for a netbook, I’d much rather have a full-fledged OS rather than something cloud based. I really wish the Mint team would consider switching to a Debian Squeeze base and use updates from the Debian backports, much like Saline OS does.

    Oh, and as far as the “news” portion of the show, please keep doing it, as I never would have known about the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle had you guys not covered it in your podcast. I also love hearing your individual takes on Linux news rather than just re-reading the news story.

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