Episode 58: Hosts favorite apps & user feedback

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  • Hosts Favorite Apps

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Tip of the Podcast

  • Run a command with the arguments used in the last command entered. Example: “cd !*”

More info

Hosts: Harrison, James, Rob, Scott, Jalu, Justin
Subscribe to the podcast: [iTunes] [Zune] [RSS MP3] [RSS OGG]
Contact podcast:
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More Linux Mint info: Linux Mint website, blog, forums, community

Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/
The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.



9 Replies to “Episode 58: Hosts favorite apps & user feedback”

  1. Sid32

    For programs off the beaten path, but they do come in handy when you need them..

    gImageReader – Is an OCR reader. Basically takes things like pdf files and convert them to .txt files. Super handy.

    Pdf Mod – Lets you move around and modify pdfs.

    For music players: Avidemuix to convert videos, great ipod presets, etc. All, lets you hardcode subtitles to your videos, if you have a less sophisticated player.

    FLoola for your click wheel ipods, lets you add songs and podcasts on the go. Works for mac, win and linux, so you can grab podcasts at work/school get them on your ipod for the ride home.

    For those using the tradition ipod shuffles, what is simpler then a simple python script. http://ipod.capacala.com/

  2. Jonas

    Hey, great show. I was looking here for all the apps you mentioned. I’ll have to listen again. All I remember is nitrogen. 🙂
    I know you all do a lot, but when you mention a program, it would be awesome to list them here. Thanks again for all the work.

    • JALU

      Funny how great Linux minds work Bob. Nixie produces some great videos on Linux and we definitetly have her name on our adjenda of fascinating people inLinux to interview. As soon as we can set it up and of course if she agrees we will have her on. Please be patient and stay tuned in.

  3. Boringbits

    I’ve been following Mintcast since the second week after installing Mint for the first time. ( about 5 months ago) As a Linux New-comer I found Mintcast both informative, and entertaining.

    I think discussing favorite “must have” apps was a great Idea.
    How about asking Linux Mint users what some of Their favorite, “Must-have” applications are?

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