Episode 56: Linux Mint 10 KDE: The Desktop That Does it All

News & personal updates

  • 0:10:30 Mark Shuttleworth announced that version 11.10 if Canonical’s Ubuntu Linux will be called “Oneiric Ocelot.” http://bit.ly/gpXyOq
  • 0:14:07 Brian Proffitt had a post on his IT World blog with the announcement that Nokia has sold the commercial branch of its Qt business to Finnish software services company Digia.  http://bit.ly/e9WgcJ
  • 0:17:41 Sebastian Kugler has announced on the KDE  News website that the first round of updates is available for KDE 4.6.0. http://bit.ly/eaahYu
  • 0:19:21 Prominent Open Source advocate and Austin resident Ken Starks will be helping kick off the Texas Linux Fest on April 2, 2011. http://texaslinuxfest.org/

Main Topic

  • 0:20:12 Linux Mint 10 KDE review and discussion


Website of the Week

  • The website of the podcast for this episode is http://dot.kde.org/ . Dot KDE Org is a great place to go for information on all things KDE related.  On the main page you can get KDE news and information, and there are links to KDE.org, Planet KDE, and the main KDE forums.  You can even get quick access to KDE artwork.  If you are a fan of KDE, check it out.

Tip of the Podcast

  • echo “!!” > script.sh
  • This will allow you to create a script from the command you just ran.

More info

Hosts: Harrison, James, Rob, Scott, Jalu
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More info: Linux Mint website, blog, forums, community

Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/
The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.



10 Replies to “Episode 56: Linux Mint 10 KDE: The Desktop That Does it All”

  1. Charlie W.

    Enjoy listening to your podcast every time!

    About the command line stuff; It IS important to have in Linux especially since Linux is a multi-user OS and it is used on so many servers that require remote login ability. I have a few machines that I need to log into via SSH all the time and there is just no place for a GUI in most cases. Hec, I even have an SSH app on my Android phone for logging into my machines! When I first started with computers (Radio Shack Color Computer!), there was only the command line. Then I got Windows and became computer illiterate again. 😉 Transitioning to Linux and its command line was hard at first. But, after a short time, I became comfortable with the CLI again and I feel like I’m in much more control of my computers with it!

    About this weeks CLI tip: One thing I think was not mentioned is that in order to run that script you made with the ‘echo “!!” > script.sh’ command, you’ll need to make it executable first with ‘chmod +x script.sh’ … then you can run it like this ‘./script.sh’

    KDE: I’m Torrenting it now! I’m a long-time user of Gnome and LinuxMint. But, KDE sounds interesting to try again on one of my machines. Thanks for the review of it!

    Thanks and keep up the great work guys.

    By the way, Ubuntu: Is it pronounced U-BUN-TOO or OO-BOON-TOO? ;)~

    • Harrison

      Hey Charlie.

      Ubuntu (I found out today) is pronounced OO-BUN-…… not U-Bun-……

      Thanks guys for the feedback! if you sent an email to mintcast AT mintcast DOT org we haven’t forgotten you we just got forwarding running.


      • Gareth

        Actually its pronouned Ooboontoo. Take it from someone who lives in the country that the word originates from (South Africa) 😉

  2. Gareth

    The command line criticism is a fallacy. The command line is no longer a necessity to use a Linux Desktop system like Mint and even others like Ubuntu, Fedora and OpenSUSE. You can do anything you want through purely the GUI if you want. There is no NECESSARY function you need to perform on command line.

    If you are thinking of trouble shooting, well … you even need to use command line on Windows sometimes to trouble shoot issues 😛

  3. ibm450

    please look into opensuse 11.4 as it runs alot smoother and alot more responsive then lm10 kde. perhaps its the tweaked kernel
    What are they doing that LM isnt implementing?

    ive tested it on my old P4 1.8 single core HP SFF with a AGP Nvidia 6600GT and it out performed LM10Kde and a notable performance gain on my ASUS UL50VT laptop.

  4. BostonPeng

    Another great podcast. It took me a couple of extra days to snag it thanks to network timeouts but that’s probably the problem of having such a popular podcast.

    I was a bit disappointed with the review of Mint 10 KDE because it felt we got more looks at alternative apps than at what ships in the ISO. Could we get a do-over?

    I’m enjoying the CLI tips. I love having the ability to use it and maybe it’s from my having been comfortable with it as a Windows user for a number of years before discovering Linux. Every time I hear a new tip I have to make a note of it because it’s such a great tip to know.

    This may be a pet peeve but yo do something the grates at me every time it happens. Despite what I saw on another site (http://serialkiller.wordpress.com/2007/06/28/pronunciation-dilemma/), Gnome is usually pronounced as [nohm] (according to Dictionary.com), not as [guh-nohm]. Every time I hear [guh-nohm] it makes me cringe. Unless there’s a better reason than the link I provided for using your pronunciation PLEASE use the common pronunciation for Gnome. As it it I have to keep from hitting the fast forward button on my media player every time I hear the [guh-]. Thank you.

    Keep up the great work, guys. You always make me a better informed Linux user, and that’s always a big plus in my book.


  5. Stu920

    Regarding the MultiSystem LiveUSB MultiBoot mentioned in feedback, Pendrivelinux has a writeup on using it at:


    They also have writeups on several other USB creators including UNetbootin. If using Windows, my preferred creator is LiLi (Linux Live USB Creator) described here:


    In addition to supporting persistence, LiLi even has an option to run a portable version of VirtualBox from the USB drive to launch Linux in Windows.

  6. Caddi

    Finally managed to get KDE running on my PC, and am very impressed with some of it, but I don’t like dolphin or konqueror much. That said, I am finding some of it very good, love the notifications and the general look and feel of it, and the ability to put widgets on the desktop. Now maybe gnome had the ability to put a clock up on the desktop, but I never found it which I have found in KDE.

    Podcast was great – my car radio is now sorted so I can listen to my podcasts – by ‘eck I have missed you guys!

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