Episode 49: Listener Feedback

News & personal updates

0:00:55 Charles is leaving mintCast

0:01:25 Rothgar is leaving mintCast

0:04:54 Google group: mintcast-hosts


0:10:11 Survey feedback

Web site of the week

0:59:48 Adventures in Linux

More info

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing, Art Vanderhoff
Shared Google Reader: Charles, Rothgar
Subscribe to the podcast: [iTunes] [Zune] [RSS MP3] [RSS OGG]
Contact podcast:

Forum: mintCast
Email: [email protected]
Phone (voice mail): 1-832-514-2278
Twitter: @mintCast @Rothgar @Linux_Mint
More info:
Linux Mint website, blog, forums, community

6 Replies to “Episode 49: Listener Feedback”

  1. revgeorge

    Sorry to hear about Charles & Rothgar leaving the podcast. I’ve always found it an enjoyable podcast to listen to. It was somewhat helpful in getting me to try Linux Mint. Although the primary reason I switched to Mint was because I couldn’t get Ubuntu 10.04 to work well for me like Hardy Heron always had. So I started using Mint 9 & have really enjoyed it.

    Thank you, Charles & Rothgar, for all your hard work on the podcast. Hope you can still be involved in the podcast in some ways.

  2. Matt F.

    Wow! Very sad to hear you guys go. I’ve very much enjoyed the podcasts over the years. I’m no Linux expert myself, but would be happy to help the podcast where I can. I like to think that because of the podcast I’ve tried to break out of my Windows shell, and start using Linux more.

    Best of luck to you guys and hope to continue to hear from you.

  3. Rob H

    I’d also like to offer to help. No experience as a podcaster, but I’m willing to help out if I can. I’ve been dabbling with Linux since I saw Slackware in the ’90s (on floppies, no less!).

  4. Caddi

    I was very sad to hear that Charles and Rothgar are leaving.

    Though I have only been listening for 6 or so episodes, I have come to really appreciate the podcast, looking forward to each episode and learning so much. It has awakened my urge to do more with linux, I use the command line more too!

    Thank you so much both of you.

    I don’t know how I, a lazy newbie with little time, could help, but I am continuing to think about what I can offer.

    Btw, it was a real surprise to hear my name mentioned on such a podcast.


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