Episode 43: Cron

0:00:00 News and updates

Linux Mint Debian released

New mintMenu coming

Ubuntu 10.10 Beta

0:14:00 Main Topic: Cron

Intro to Cron Another one here

Cron Man page

Web site of the week

0:58:50 Website of the Week: Pen Drive Linux

More info

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing, Art Vanderhoff
Shared Google Reader: Charles, Rothgar
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4 Replies to “Episode 43: Cron”

  1. Max

    Now I know what Cron means. I still have problems installing some linux software or applets. They say they are installed but I can’t find them. Some install no problem. How about explaining “compiling”.

    I have used pen drive linux it works great. I have used it with persistence and works great. I can save bookmarks, open office docs, etc. But you left out your PC must be capable of booting to a USB device.

    Love your podcast keep up the good work.

  2. Travelinrob

    Max, if you are not aware of it already, you can burn Plop Boot Manager to a CD, boot it, and it will allow you to boot to USB or any other partition, even if your computer does not support it:

    Rothgar, I have tried several methods to burning a multiboot USB as of late. The retarded thing about Pen Drive “Linux” Multiboot is that it only runs on Windows. Here’s one that works on Debian based distros (worked perfectly using Mint 9 Gnome):

    Wait for the page to load and then select your language under the menu in the upper right corner. They (the developers) even helped me create a multiboot DVD to give out when I hosted Software Freedom Day in my area this past weekend.


  3. Jim Barber

    I use the shutdown command often, particularly when I listen to the pod casts. I live on my sailboat in Mexico and am currently voyaging the Sea of Cortez. I run the shutdown command to shutdown the computer after the podcast ends to save battery from discharging in case I have fallen asleep.

    Shutdown does require the use of sudo and I use the -h option followed by the time in minutes to fully shut the computer down. The computer is a Dell Mini9 that came with Ubuntu 8.04 preinstalled. Dell’s support of Ubuntu is not good so I tried for other Linux distros. I installed Linux Mint last January. It just worked out of the box and Skype, my only telephone, has worked perfectly. When I upgraded to Isadora Skype continued to work perfectly. Thus I was able to end my affair with WinXP as dual boot with Ubuntu on my other machine when I upgraded to Lucid Lynx.

    I liked the presentation of cron and will definitely look into it when my life style is less nomadic. One question. Can cron suspend the computer. I would like to be able to do that.

    I Enjoy the pod cast very much. I hope that Skype will still work perfectly when Mint switches to debian.

    Jim Barber
    Aboard Esmeralda
    Baja California, Mexico

    • SiKing

      Think of cron like the command line interface (CLI). Anything that you can do from the CLI – run binary executables, run executable scripts – you can do from cron. cron gives you the added benefit that you can repeat that same thing periodically on a schedule.
      To answer your questions more directly: I am not sure exactly what the command is to suspend the computer, but I am certain there is one. Once you find the right command, just set up a cron.
      HTH, SiKing

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