Episode 36: Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux Mint 9

In this episode

Southeast Linux Fest June 12-13 at the Marriott at Renaissance Park hotel in Spartanburg, SC

SiKing’s new motorcycle

Ubuntu 10.04 released

Linux Mint 9 RC released

Mark Shuttleworth’s blog: Window Indicators

Web site of the week


More info

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing, Art Vanderhoff
Shared Google Reader: Charles, Rothgar
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14 Replies to “Episode 36: Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux Mint 9”

  1. Slippy Workadoo

    I’ve enjoyed the latest podcast as always but with one little issue. I can’t hear Art Vanderhoff that well unless I turn the volume up high enough to where everyone else is too loud. I know you’ve addressed difficulties getting bugs worked out of the podcast but felt I needed to share that. I enjoy the inputs of all the hosts.

    • Rothgar

      Thanks for the feedback. We are still working on a few of these bugs and we plan on doing a test recording probably next week just to test all of our hardware and what options are available for us to increase the quality of the recordings. Right now TalkShoe is the only software that works with any phone (softphone, landline, cellphone) and unfortunately depending on what softphone/cellphone we use the quality is really poor sometime.

  2. John

    Thanks for the podcast, first time I’ve listened & it’s a good informative chat.
    Going to the Ubuntu One question, I saw a video on Youtube made by “Raja221” showing that Ubuntu One can be installed from the synaptic package manager called something like ubuntu one-client-gnome.

  3. Matt

    SiKing, Please take your states motorcycle safety class! It’s cheap, fun, will save you money on insurance, and MOST importantly… you’ll learn skills that might save your life someday!

    • SiKing

      Going this weekend. 😉 Actually when I got the idea to get a bike, the very first thing I did was to go to the library and get a book on motorcycle safety.

    • SiKing

      I think I should also throw in a plug. Not only will I save on everything you said, but cyclegear.com (at least the one in LV) gives you 15% discount on your first purchase.

  4. JOHN

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for another great mintCast, it was very informative. I recently did a distro upgrade from Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 and it worked almost flawlessly. The biggest problem I had was resetting some desktop compositing settings. I also noticed there was a new Nvidia driver.
    Also the .irc channel for Linux Mint is irc.spotchat.org @ #linuxmint-help.
    Again Thanks

  5. ganesh

    first time to your podcast – enjoyed it even though it was a bit long – how about you cover the “lite” versions of mint (the community edition? which use xfce / fluxbox etc) as i use linux on netbooks and mainstream distro’s are too big for them

    (also totally jealous about anyone on 2 wheels now – parenthood prevents me from joining in – atleast for now – enjoy your opportunity safely)

  6. jungaar

    is anyone using a Sony Vaio FW laptop or any other Sony Vaio? Are the brightness controls working properly with Mint installed?

    I’ve got ubuntu 10.04 and I can’t change the brightness of the screen.

  7. Biffster

    I am trying to count backwards for the correct episode, so I hope this is the right one. 🙂 You had mentioned Mono, and the controversy around it. I just wanted to chime in as one of the anti-mono crowd. The reason for me is purely emotional: at its core, Mono is a Microsoft technology. DotNet was completely their baby. It doesn’t matter how free/open source Mono may say it is, its progenitor is Microsoft, and thus I won’t use it.

    The first thing I do on any Ubuntu derivative is “aptitude remove mono-runtime”. I don’t miss f-spot or tomboy or Gnome Do, since there are many quality non-mono-infested alternatives (digiKam, basket, etc).

    • Rothgar

      It is funny you mention the mono-less alternatives to fspot and tomboy because I actually prefer digiKam and basket to fspot and tomboy but I really don’t care which underlying language the program was written in.
      It is my opinion that it should be the developers who make the biggest choice by choosing what to program their software in. If they choose to do something in mono and the program is great, I will use it. If it sucks, I won’t use it. I think mono could even be beneficial in getting Windows developers over to Linux. Mono is like a gateway drug and hopefully the openness of the Linux community will spur them on to use more open standards.

  8. Alan Pope


    Just listening to this episode and the subject of upgrades came up. You discussed reinstalling over the top and the benefit of having a separate /home partition. One person commented that the problem with reinstalling on Ubuntu where you don’t get a separate /home by default is that you lose your date. Not so.

    If you reinstall cleanly over the top of an existing Ubuntu install _even_ _if_ it’s one big root partition, you can reinstall _without_ losing what’s in your /home folder. Simply choose ‘manual’ partitioning during the install and choose your root partition (that already exists of course) and _de_ select the ‘format’ tickbox. That’s it.

    During the install it will delete all data in /bin /usr /var /etc and so on, but _wont_ touch /home. This is a great way to do a clean install of Ubuntu without losing files in your /home partition. Of course if you have config or data elsewhere in your filesystem (such as /etc or /var) then you might want to copy that to /home first, or backup some other way.

    Just thought you might like to know, because it seems not many people are aware of this.

    (Ubuntu UK Podcast & Ubuntu Community Contributor)

    • SiKing

      What you describe will work, but I thought I would point out one small thing. This procedure is affectionately known as a “dirty install”, since you are installing over top of an existing installation. Any previous configuration files could potentially mess up your new apps, if there are incompatibilities in functionality or even syntax.

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