Episode 34: Task List in Org-mode

In this episode

Rothgar’s office featured on Lifehacker

Trenton Computer Festival April 24-25: Richard Stallman will be keynote speaker

Southeast Linux Fest June 12-13 at the Marriott at Renaissance Park hotel in Spartanburg, SC

SCO loses

Linux Mint 9 overview of new features

Linux Mint user base is growing

Linux Mint 8 LXDE released

Linux Mint 8 Xfce released

Task management in Org-mode



Emacs Org-mode: Organizing a Scientist’s Life and Work
Presentation by Prof. Carsten Domink, creator of Org-mode

Get Organized with Emacs Org-mode

Using Org-mode as a Day Planner

Org Mode – Organize Your Life In Plain Text!

Keep organized with Emacs! Try org-mode for notes/tasks + gnus for mail!

Org-Mode Presentation Videos by Russell Adams

Adams Information Services LLC, A nationwide IBM systems consultant
Email: [email protected]

Org-mode mailing list

Getting Things Done, by David Allen

First Thing First, by Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey

Web site of the week


More info

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing, Art Vanderhoff
Shared Google Reader: Charles, Rothgar
Subscribe to the podcast: [iTunes] [Zune] [RSS MP3] [RSS OGG]
Contact podcast:

Email: [email protected]
Phone (voice mail): 1-832-514-2278
Twitter: @mintCast @Rothgar @Linux_Mint
More info:
Linux Mint website, blog, forums

3 Replies to “Episode 34: Task List in Org-mode”

  1. JD

    Glad to see a new episode of mintcast!
    thanks Charles and Rothgar 🙂

    BTW I love the sweet light strings you guys have in your tech support lab. i gotta get me some of those!

  2. michael

    So I was listening to your podcast on my commute home today and liked the reference to text-based browsers like elinks and w3m. Am currently using elinks to post this, have the mobile facebook site open in another one, and gmail in yet another window. Also discovered Finch, the CLI version of Pidgin while googling around. Cool stuff. Thanks for the links, no pun intended…

  3. Rob Randall

    Hi. I enjoyed the org-mode item. I have started using it and I really like the simplicity of it just being text. One thing it might be worth mentioning is that menu options can be used until the keystrokes are familiar.

    Keep up the good work.


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