Episode 30: Screen

In this episode

MIT free online courses

Review of Linux Mint 8

Texas Linux Fest 2010

Southeast Linuxfest


Keyboard shortcuts

Key Action
Ctrl+a c new window
Ctrl+a n next window
Ctrl+a p previous window
Ctrl+a “ select window from list
Ctrl+a Ctrl+a previous window viewed
Ctrl+a S split terminal horizontally into regions
Ctrl+a | split terminal vertically into regions
Ctrl+a x unsplit terminal
Ctrl+a :resize resize region
Ctrl+a :fit fit screen size to new terminal size
Ctrl+a :remove remove region
Ctrl+a tab Move to next region
Ctrl+a d detach screen from terminal
Ctrl+a A set window title
Ctrl+a x lock session
Ctrl+a [ enter scrollback/copy mode – Ctrl+a ] to leave this mode
Ctrl+a ] paste buffer
Ctrl+a > write paste buffer to file
Ctrl+a < read paste buffer from file
Ctrl+a ? show key bindings/command names
Ctrl+a : goto screen command prompt

Screen commands
screen -t label order command
screen -t htop 6 htop
screen -t irssi 5 irssi -c irc.freenode.net

Screen configuration stored in ~/.screenrc

hardstatus string  ‘%{gk}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{wk}%?%-Lw%?%{=b kR}(%{W}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{=b kR})%{= kw}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{Y}%l%{g}]%{=b C}[ %m/%d %c ]%{W}’

http://lizzie.spod.cx/screenirssi.shtml —  how to use screen and irssi
http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/feedburner/knightcast/~3/SxA_VnFuFNw/dc004.pdf — very good pdf from knightwise of the knightcast
http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 —  beginners tutorial
http://www.bangmoney.org/presentations/screen.html — more advanced tutorial

Web site of the week



metamorphose – bulk file re-namer

More info

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing, Art Vanderhoff
Shared Google Reader: Charles, Rothgar
Subscribe to the podcast: [iTunes] [Zune] [RSS MP3] [RSS OGG]
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Phone: 1-832-514-2278
Twitter: @mintCast @Rothgar @Linux_Mint
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7 Replies to “Episode 30: Screen”

  1. Fifoxtasy

    I’m really flattered you mentioned the wallpaper i submitted (close up of a firefly) in this mintcast!! Thank you

    This was a particularly interesting episode. Really nice introduction to gnu screen which i didn’t know about before.

    Art, you really are a great addition to the team!

    Thank you guys! For all the time you sacrifice to create those great podcasts.

  2. Jim

    I must say…I really like the whole team! Normally i shy away from Linux podcast with more then 2 people but having Art is definitley a plus! He was on the other podcast but was overshadowed by way too many people with bad audio. So for me now it’s Outlaws, you guys and Shot of Jaq for my fix!!!
    Thanks Mintcast team!!!

  3. Tim

    Thanks so much for featuring my site as the Website Of the Week… Well I hope it becomes the Website of the Year and then the website of the decade due to influencing millions to switch to Linux by 2020. 😉

  4. Elena

    Just FYI, I believe the “unsplit terminal” shortcut should be “Ctrl-a X” (i.e., a capital x, not a lower case x). “Ctrl-a x” locks the session. Great epi, BTW.

  5. Fifoxtasy

    I just read about a Ubuntu modified version of screen, called byobu. It seems to have the modifications Rothgar is suggesting built in. Plus some more functions and hotkeys. Works without installing anything on my Kubuntu, I think it should work in Mint too.
    Check it out!

    Found it on Linux Magazine:
    Quote from http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7704/1.html
    “Byobu: A Better Screen

    Do you like screen? For the uninitiated, screen is a terminal screen window manager that allows you to multiplex between several different virtual terminals. Each screen session is independent of all others and can run applications or processes in each session allowing you to multitask without switching terminals.

    If you’re familiar with screen, you know the power of it already. If you aren’t familiar with it, you’ll fall in love with byobu and gain an understanding of screen and its capabilities.

    To invoke byobu, simply type byobu at the command line. Do not use the “&” since it must remain a foreground process.

    Byobu is a group of python and shell scripts that enhance the screen program, making it easier to use and expanding its features into a true management interface. Each of the function (”F”) keys has significant keybindings for byobu. For an extremely well documented Help system, press the F9 key while in byobu. Here, you’ll find all aspects of byobu and its configuration and operation.

    Byobu also provides you a constant system status at the bottom of your terminal window showing you name and number of virtual terminals, Ubuntu version, uptime, load average, memory used, date, time.”

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