Episode 26: Linux Mint 8 “Helena”

In this episode

Linux Mint 8 “Helena” RC1 released

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8 Replies to “Episode 26: Linux Mint 8 “Helena””

  1. Marc

    Hey guys. On matters of only having 32bit available, I’ve never jumped over to 64bit yet however I am utilizing my full 4gb of ddr3 1600 with an AMD Phenom x4 Black Edition processor. Here is how I did it.

    More than 3GB RAM on 32-bit Mint with a 64-bit processor

    From a terminal or All of these are in Synaptics as well.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-server
    sudo apt-get install (or the latest linux-server kernel)
    sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server
    sudo apt-get install linux-image-server linux-server

    finally reboot

    That’s it.

    I did here Rothgar mention something about PAE support too. That’s right. If your processor doesn’t have PAE support it won’t work. Though most processors over the last few years will have it.
    Other than some memory hogging programs i.e. photo editing (GIMP) or video editng, audio editing 98% of the time 32-bit will be just fine for everything. Install the linux-server kernel and dependencies and you’ll get the full ram potential.

  2. Marc

    Just moved from 6 to 8rc and this got me thinking of my favorite application I have been using now for 4 editions It’s called remastersys.


    It is awesome! Once you have your machine fully installed with all the applications and tweaks and everything just the way you like it. Just run remastersys and make a complete custom live dvd image of your machine. Basically a clone you can run from a dvd and install on anything else with everything already installed just the way you like it. It’s a great way to keep all of your machines consistently the same and if something catistrophic happens you have that backup so you don’t have to remember all of customizations you’ve put into it.

  3. Hedgehog

    Regarding the adobe flash plugin for 64-bit linux it’s still considered beta but available for linux @ http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html . At the moment the only 64-bit flash plugin available actually is for linux. To my experience it’s a lot less nasty in a system resource perspective than the 32-bit one, at least even when running a 32-bit OS on my machine. Actually I also believe that the flash package that ships with 64-bit mint is this version, compared to ubuntu where the only adobe flash plugin you can install via the package manager on the 64-bit version of ubuntu is the 32-bit flash plugin and a 32–>64-bit plugin wrapper (which slows things down even more). (You still can install 64-bit flash on ubuntu manually by downloading it from the link above though..)

  4. Harald

    You were talking about adding servers in Places.

    In nautilus, cant one just ad servers in places by going to “file > connect to server” and then add a bookmark?

      • Elena (@axolote)

        Also, no matter which GUI approach you use, once you connect to your server and nautilus opens to allow browsing of your files, you could add your server as a bookmark to the nautilus sidebar. Then in the future, you could just open any folder and click on the bookmark when you need to connect to your server, same as you do in the Places menu in mintmenu. In my case, I’ve made a sidebar bookmark in nautilus to my server via ssh/sftp by typing ssh://myserverhostname in the nautilus location bar. You can also do the same for a specific user directory on your server if you type ssh://user@myserverhostname. You probably already know this, but maybe some of your listeners will find it useful. Yay for choices. 🙂

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