Episode 25: User Interview with SiKing

In this episode

Ubuntu Karmic is released

Skype on Linux to be Open Sourced

Mandriva 2010.0 has been released

User interview with Mark Lehky, a.k.a. SiKing

Web site of the week



Alt+F2 will open a dialog box where you can enter a single terminal command.


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Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, Siking
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14 Replies to “Episode 25: User Interview with SiKing”

  1. sid32

    For what tools are you still using with Wine. Certain apps are designed with Wine in mind. See uTorrent, Picasa, Steam games, etc. Is that something we should be happy with(as linux users) or should we looking for/encouraging native apps?

    • SiKing

      I don’t know if you ever looked behind the scenes of something like Picasa on Linux, but everything there (I repeat on Linux) looks like Windows. They have virtual directories like “My Documents”, _under_ which you have directories like “My Pictures”. This does even remotely resemble the actual directory structure you have on your Linux box, unless you manually created it, so you have to do mental gymnastics in order to be able to make sense of it.

  2. Jeremy Johnson

    Why use Linux Mint instead of Ubuntu?

    MintUpdate, mintUpdate, and mintUpdate!

    Every operating system should have a tool like mintUpdate. The ability to filter updates by rank is incredibly useful. This feature has actually allowed me to avoid an annoying bug that I had in Ubuntu by not downloading an unnecessary update. (They were the same version.) Details are toward the end of my blog post: http://jertech.blogspot.com/2009/02/stick-of-mint.html.

    The mintMenu and user-friendliness are also very nice, but mintUpdate takes the cake.

    • Rothgar

      I am not sure if you are talking about using a installation USB drive or actually doing the install. If you are installing from a USB drive you should format the drive as ext3 (if you are creating the install disk from linux) or FAT32 (if you are creating the installation USB from Windows).
      For the actual installation you should use ext4 which is the default file format that Linux Mint and Ubuntu choose for the installation.

    • SiKing

      Just to expand on what Rothgar said: if you try to install Linux directly on a harddrive that has either FAT32 or NTFS, it will not work. Those filesystems do not support security permissions that Linux requires. Unless you are talking about the Wubi installer https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide then everything is different. 🙂

  3. Eduad Gotwig

    Hi, i find it bether to use native apps.
    IMHO i find it very good, that it gives wine.
    I use it now for 2 years allready, and i MUST say that it has now a very large support for very many applications.I have to and I must say that i realy dont like it, becouse the bottles system :/!.
    I find that wine is bether becouse it is more integrated and easier to install programms.

  4. Nevrotica

    I reaaly love this podcast. I download every episode so I can listen to it when I have time. Sorry to say. This time the sound quality was terrible. Please do try to fix this. This episode hurt my ears. Keep up the good work. You’ve helped me a lot. since I started using Mint 6 month ago.

    Best regards

    From Kirkenes Norway

  5. consindo

    Is it just me but was the sound quality of Rothgar much better than Charles and SiKing. Can you do three way Skype? And if you can… maybe you could do the old thing with Audacity and the sound quality would be much better.

    • SiKing

      It’s not just you. Rothgar (eventually) dialed in through Ekiga. It is not possible to dial an IP number through Skype (even thought it claims to be VoIP software), which is how you get into TalkShoe where we record the show. Charles and myself were on a plain landline telephone. 🙁 We’re working on it. 🙂

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