Episode 23: Wine


The Linux Outlaws and the Ubuntu UK Podcast are organising a barcamp-style free software / free culture event called OggCamp on Sunday, the 25th of October in Wolverhampton in the UK (home of LugRadio and LugRadio Live).

The event is located in the Connaught Hotel which is also the official hotel for LugRadio Live 2009 to be held on the previous day.

Admission is free and anybody can turn up on the day to talk about an interesting topic close to his or her heart or just roll out of bed and nurse the post-LRL hangover while listening to other people do the talking.

You can find out more about the event at http://oggcamp.org

In this episode

Wine AppDB

CrossOver Linux
CrossOver Games
CrossOver Mac


Web site of the week

BeginLinux (Learning Linux one step at a time)


The LinuxMint Master

Linux Distribution Chooser

More info

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar
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8 Replies to “Episode 23: Wine”

  1. Lejoni

    The main difference between CW CrossOver Games, and Transgaming’s Cedega is that the former is still a “version” of Wine, contributing back code and funds to Wine.

    While Cegeda formerly known as WineX, is more of a pure fork of Wine aimed at gaming.

    I used to use Cedega back when it was called WineX as it then did made more games run than just pure Wine. Today however _my_ experience is that even vanilla Wine supports more games than paid for Cedega.

    My experience of using Wine and CrossOver Games is quite extensive when it comes to playing Windows games.
    A few examples of the games I play (happily without major issues) are:
    EverQuest(Original), EverQuest II, Perfect World International, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Arcanum Steamworks and Obscura, StarWars Galexies, Star Wars Jedi Knight II.
    And many more…

    As a comment to rothgars thought about Wine vs. VM;
    As you mentioned VMs have had trouble with Graphical preformance, but even if thay sort that out Wine is still to prefer to gaming- Cus unless your playing MS Minesweeper you’ll take any extra FPS you can get. And if you realy have FPS to spare you would rather pump up the graphical setting a notch than to use a VM I believe.
    I do btw play on a 4*2 Core i7 with 6GB DDR3 myself 🙂
    And even though I prlly could run both Windows XP and Windows Vista and Windows 7 in diffrent VMs at the same time, I would rather save that money for more games 😀

    Oh and as a final note, as I undertsand it, the main diffrence between normal Cross Over, and Cross Over Games is that Cross Over Games is cheaper just about $40 a year I think it was I paid. I suspect to be more appealing to Gamers rather than users of 3DsMAX.

  2. Micah

    Huge fan of MintCast and as always, I look forward to listening tomorrow on my commute. Why is this episode more than three times larger than all of the previous episodes?

  3. Micah

    Okay, so you’ve switched to ogg-vorbis instead of MP3. Is this to showcase OGG camp or will this be a permanent change? My fuze supports both, but MP3 is much easier to deal with.

  4. OldMike

    I might suggest to your guest who spoke about installing Linux on older computers and suggest Mepis. I am running the latest distro of Mepis and it is doing great on an older 800 MHz Pentium III with 256 megs of memory.

    Regards, Michael

  5. OldMike

    Just to let you know, Leo LePorte does the Floss weekly podcast, get this now, check the Distrowatch podcast directory, to see him dealing with Linux. He is pretty friendly towards Linux I think you’ll find.
    Regards, Michael

  6. Anthony

    Charles and Rothgar

    Just wanted to drop you a note because I have been playing with Ubuntu 9.10, since you mentioned it on the last Podcast.

    My experience has been so good in fact that I am now scratching my head to find why I would go back to Mint, the dividing line between the two distros is very blurred to me.

    Mint always was a clear winner because it came packaged with all the codecs for playing music and movies, as well as flash video on sites like YouTube. In 9.10, when I tried to play an MP3 or a video file Ubuntu offered to install the relevant codecs. I didin’t need to go messing with the Medibuntu site and its packages.

    Mint has always had the nice update tool, to keep your software up to date and more recently a software manager so you can search and select applications. Ubuntu now has very similar applications, in the form of ‘Add/Remove Software’ and ‘Update Manager’.

    Mint always gave you the ability to read and write to NTFS partitions out of the box, but hey guess what, so does Ubuntu 9.10.

    I managed to get VirtualBox working without having to setup the VBox group and assign it to my user. I installed my regular software like Thunderbird, Filezilla and even played with YuuGuu after another of your listeners recommended it as a great tool for supporting family and friends.

    Found two new interesting apps in the form of Blueman for Bluetooth connections to my cell phone so I can use it as a modem, also discovered xrandr to scale my display so I can get more out of my netbooks tiny screen, i.e. 1024×600 emulating 1350×800 – works beautifully.

    So where do I go from here? Can the next version of Mint really improve on the latest version of Ubuntu?

    Interested to hear your thoughts.

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