Episode 131: We Look at openSUSE 12.2


  • Intel says next generation Atom chip, Clover Trail, will not run Linux. (geek.com)
  • Stanford to join growing trend and offer free e-learning course this fall. (ostatic.com)
  • Professional grade video editor “Lightworks” now has a Linux release date of October 30th. (omgubuntu.co.uk)
  • Researchers at University of Southhampton build a 64 node supercomputer from Legos and Raspberry PIs. (engadget.com)
  • There have been an exceptional number of distro releases over the past week; Some you know, some you probably haven’t heard of before. In no particular order, here they are:
    • Sabayon 10
    • Bodhi 2.1
    • PartedMagic 2012_09_12
    • Zentyal 3.0
    • Super OS 11.10
    • Hanthana Linux 17
    • LPS 1.3.6
    • openSUSE 12.2 EDU Li-f-e
    • IPFire 2.11 Core 62
    • Epidemic GNU/Linux 4.0.


The Main Topic:

Featured Websites:

  • Creative Commons applied to government, business, and journalism. (opensource.com)

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

9 Replies to “Episode 131: We Look at openSUSE 12.2”

  1. james

    you play ddo, nice
    can you talk about wine and setting up ddo, as an example; and/or others, whatever you think would be a good example
    I’m just not comfortable with wine… i have been putting off doing the reading
    Take MyDefrag, for example; I tried it out in wine, hoping to be able to do a greater defrag of my ntfs partitions than is possible while in windows; it scanned a drive but never stopped scanning and showed 0 files, and 19000 folders, or something
    anyways, listening with glee

  2. woda

    in the past was used on efi elilo, now grub2

    I do not install any codecs, I do add community repository’s and flash is installed automatic when I do first update and I install smplayer2 + vlc

    Software to install is possible in many ways:
    yast, PackageKit, Zypper, in Alt+F2 and Browser by typing rpm Software-name “rpm transmission”, on opensuse site “http://software.opensuse.org”

    “rpm synergy“ is only 1 qsynergy (http://software.opensuse.org/package/qsynergy)
    if is there more i do take the newer

  3. merelyjim

    Funny that you mentioned OpenSUSE problems with Flash, as an update to LMDE broke my application at almost the same time as you recorded the podcast.
    Assuming that mint-flashplugin was the problem, I typed [sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree] into the command-line, which removed previous flash packages, and added the package straight from Debian. I don’t know what’s going to happen the next time there’s a Flash update, but for now, it’s working…
    Feeling a bit amazed that I was able to implement a Debian fix to a Mint problem. Debian has been around for a really long time (in terms of the Linux-verse) and the wiki and forums* can often offer insights into how your system works at least as well as Arch, or one of the other, newer distro’s.

    *Granted, not the most friendly of communities to users of distro’s based on Debian, but lots of good data.

  4. Easling

    This question is for Rob.

    Recently, I was listening to a Library of Economic and Liberty podcast (http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2012/09/frank_and_rober.html) titled “Frank and Roberts on Infrastructure.” When “Robert” started to speak I was startled. I’d swear it was you speaking. That “Rob” has the same distinct voice as you. The two of you are so similar that I’d say you were twins. That or he is you, or, should I say, you are he.

    So my question to you is, “Are you and he the same person? Or are my ears deceiving me.

    Are you indeed the same “Rob” who has a New York Times Column titled “New York Times Economic View”?

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