Episode 128: Managing Your Files


The Main Topic: File Managers

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  • If you want to re-run a command that you have run recently, check your command history by typing ‘history’.  Find the command you want to re-run, then type ‘!’ and the number associated with the command.  For example ‘!263’ will run whatever command is number 263 in your command history.

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Hosts:: James, Rob, Scott, Harrison

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

6 Replies to “Episode 128: Managing Your Files”

      • Thorsen Vreeland

        thanks Rob. gPodder (and I) are happy now 🙂

        @James re: the Thunar/Thor connection. The Saxon name for everyone’s favourite thunder god was Thunar (usually spelt Thunaer)

        And yes, it’s cool, but the coolest “feature” IMO surely has to be F2 “rename multiple files”. Given the trajectory that GNOME is taking I don’t suppose we’ll see that any time soon in Nautilus 😀

  1. BostonPeng

    I don’t know if this is a question for the mintCast to look at, but there’s one thing I’m wondering about Apple’s court win over Samsung: Was Apple’s complaint about infringing code that Samsung developed or were they complaints that should have been directed at Google since they’re the primary developers for Android? If the question isn’t one for the ‘Cast feel free to ignore it but I’m curious to hear what you guys think about it.

  2. jediafr

    I starte listening to your podcast when you guys took over and i haven’t miss a single one since then !
    Over the time i came to appreciate the maturity of Rob & Scott’s comments .
    I noticed that James is much better bearable when given the host role so please let him be the main speaker more often….
    As for Xfce, i’m glad Scott spoke against the shoddy RC review as i’m as happy camper with the final LM13 Xcfe. It’s rock stable and configurable. I replaced Thunar with Caja (old Gnome2 nautilus) as it is gives me an expandable directories (very handy for copying multiples files without opening each dir…).

    Keep up the good work and one message for James
    “please stop interrupting when someone speaks because it gives me ideas about hurling my phone on the wall… Nothing personal i also value your principled opinons as well.”

  3. merelyjim

    Gotta side with James on this one…
    Even thought I mostly use it for the “open terminal here” menu option.

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