Episode 121: Raspberry Pi Arrives!

Round of Releases:


The Main Topic:The Raspberry Pi

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  • The MagPi: A Magazine For Raspberry Pi Users. (themagpi.com)


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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

4 Replies to “Episode 121: Raspberry Pi Arrives!”

  1. Brian

    Nice to have you back on the show James, hope you feel better soon.
    I agreed with James (as I usually do) that it is bad that the new boot arrangements will make it financially harder for fledgling distos. I can make my point simply: If such a regime had existed, when the two Irish teenagers (aged 13 & 15 iirc) set out to produce their Linux distro, would we have Zorin OS now? I doubt it.
    Zorin OS Distrowatch:Number 17 over last six months rising to 9 in the last month. In my opinion it is, by any standards, a significant and impressive distro.

    • merelyjim

      In addition to LMDE, I use a little distro named Crunchbang(#!), and if it’s needed, I’ll gladly make a donation to get this key, BUT I expect that by the time this becomes an issue, someone will have cracked… no, shattered the code that promises to be Secure Boot.
      When has Microsoft ever said, “it can’t be done,” without a geek popping out and saying, “oh, yeah?”

  2. BlackCow

    Linux mint has absolutely gone down hill. I jumped ship from Ubuntu when unity came along. I have a certain way that I like my desktop to look, whenever I would install a system with Gnome 2 I would go to appearance settings and set clear looks and make the title bar black and the title bar text white.

    So I switch to LM13 and Cinnamon. I can’t set the clear looks theme and for some damn reason I couldn’t set the time to 12 hour format!

    So I switch to LM13 with MATE, I can set clear looks now but wait… my terminals aren’t transparent (they don’t show windows under it) and when I move my windows to the left or right they don’t snap to fill the screen. So I Google the problem and find out I need to enable compiz and disable macro. The only issue is that breaks the clear looks theme and just acts buggy (sometimes I can’t resize windows and odd stuff like that).

    I am switching back to Linux Mint 12 and Gnome 2 and I am going to wait out this storm on the dull edge of linux. No one seems to have their shit together and moving away from Gnome 2 seems to be a series of regressions in the name of some shiny new buttons.

    Yes I realize the problems I mentioned are not major but they are not be problems I shouldn’t be having.

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