Episode 101: Freedom And All That


  • Linux Mint 12 KDE goes live. (blog.linuxmint.com) (update to KDE 4.8 – sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports)

The Main Topic: Freedom, Open Source, And Such

  • Free Software Definition. (gnu.org)
  • “Cooperation is more important than copyright.” (gnu.org)
  • United States Congressional Research Service . (unt.edu)

Featured Website:


  • Overheard on the linuxmint-help IRC channel… To install new software from the command line you would normally type:
    “sudo apt-get install foobar”
  • In Linux Mint, you can simply type:
    “apt install foobar”
  • This works for any “sudo apt-get” command.

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

18 Replies to “Episode 101: Freedom And All That”

  1. Charlie

    Replication is something that is in it’s infancy. Media, music, video, etc is only the start as it’s something that anyone can do. Our present materialistic society (better known as Democracy) is not ready for Identical Replication. Take Medicine as another example. Most medicines costs nothing to produce, yet people around the world die because they cannot afford it. The catch being that Pharmaceutical company wouldn’t spend millions to develop a product if they couldn’t profit from it. If people could duplicate a car identically in their garage for a 100th of the cost, how long would car companies last.
    Our social structure must change or the world will see International Replication Police (maybe licensed to kill).

  2. Rob

    FWIW, I fixed the problem I was having with activating the swap partition on my LMDE box. It turns out the UUID in my /etc/fstab file for the swap partition was wrong. No idea how it got that way.

    I fixed it by running “/sbin/blkid [device]” to get the correct UUID, then editing /etc/fstab accordingly. (BTW, You seem to need to run “sudo /sbin/blkid [device]” on a Mint 12 box to get blkid to give you anything.)

  3. ibm450

    im currently using mint kde12 and i have to admit, its running alot smoother and faster then mint 12 on this laptop ASUS UL50VT 1.3ghz.

    i was a bit disappointed with the very short review on the mint kde release on your podcast as i was eager to find out more thoughts and news regarding to kde.

    ive also installed kde 4.8 running on 3.3 rc3 kernel and all is still running sweet. ive also applied the optimizing settings from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889034&highlight=kubuntu+support and this has made a big differance to my temperatures on this laptop

    i also found MATE and cinnamon performing slow on my laptop and the temperatures actually sky rocket and i have no idea whats causing the concerning high temps.

    great podcast guys, keep up the good work

    cheers from Western Australia, Yarrie mine-site (pilbara – MarbleBar)

  4. Evgeny Kuznetsov

    “apt-get is a frontend to aptitude developed in Ubuntu.” WHAT? I mean, WHAT?!?!?!

    apt-get is one tool from APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) set, together with apt-cache, apt-key and other apt-* that was developed in Debian for repository handling (APT in itself is actually a frontend for DPKG, Debian PacKaGing) in 1998, before Mr. Shuttlewort even became a Debian developer, let alone left Debian and started Ubuntu. aptitude is actually the frontend for APT set developed some time later.

    • Rob

      Yes, but the “apt” console command on a Linux Mint box is something different! The Mint team has written a small Python script that wraps several apt-get, aptitude, and dpkg commands in a very handy way. On your Mint box try ‘less /usr/local/bin/apt’ and you’ll see what I mean.

      • Evgeny Kuznetsov

        True, but that was not the issue that got me outraged here 🙂 What got me into the ranting mood was the mention of apt-get as a frontend to aptitude developed in Ubuntu.

        On the second thought, this definitely signifies the good work Canonical marketing team has done throught the last years. The next thing you know, we’ll start calling Debian “an Ubuntu-based distro”.

  5. Bill_MI

    I’ve grown to avoid CLI commands for installing things and I find the “apt” python wrapper behaves the same as “sudo apt-get” in this regard. Here’s why…

    Synaptic and Update Manager logs package manipulations quite nicely in /root/.synaptic/log while the apt-get CLI does not. I find this history quite useful, especially in LMDE where packages were a bit of a challenge.

    Or… Maybe I’m missing something? I know Synaptic has gotten out of favor in Mint but I can’t help myself. 🙂

    Keep up the good work, guys.

  6. Charlie

    Because of KDE’s reputation for being ‘heavy’ I’ve never given it much time. However after having some issues with Cinnamon and being generally tired of the debates, division and dilution within the Gnome community, I decided to give KDE a go.

    After using LM12 KDE (upgraded to 4.8) I have to ask myself why. Why do people accept half finished or ergonomically challenged desktops when there is such a polished, professional and practical desktop available. I can imagine if your computer is a little prehistoric it could struggle, but any reasonable spec should handle it with ease.

    It’s time to put Gnome back in the garden with a fishing rod and show KDE the love it deserves.

  7. Chris

    Got a question on freedom and all that. I play the guitar and like John Mayer songs. So I listen to his music and learn to play it for myself and others to hear. Am I stealing? Say, I record myself playing his songs and upload it to Youtube for others to hear/watch or even download. Maybe I record a lesson on how to play his songs. Am I stealing?

    • Charlie

      If the song is copyrighted, then yes. The validity of such laws depends from where you are standing. Imagine if you wrote an amazing song, put it up on youtube with the hope to promote it, then John Mayer stumbles upon it, releases his vesion and it goes multi-platinum.

      The law is not meant to be fair, it’s designed to be manipulated by wealth. If it were, don’t you think they would have developed a 90% accurate truth drug by now.

      • Rob

        If you learn to play it for your own enjoyment, then I suspect you’re fine, especially if you bought a printed book of the music. You probably do not have the “public performance right” (live or through a recording) unless you have been explicitly granted it by the owner of the song. I imagine playing it with/for a few friends at home might qualify as personal use. Uploading a recording to YouTube sounds like a “public performance” to me. Look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royalties#Music_royalties

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