mintCast 345 – Hawking Chromium
First up, in our Wanderings, Leo's chromium based pixels do a dance, Tony Hughes plays with chaos, Moss has a Fuzzyputer, Joe has an idea… pad, and Josh butters his machine.
Then, our news Linux Mint gets some love, the Gorilla’s in beta and so is Fedora
In Security, we chat with Josh
mintCast 344.5 – “Working” from Home
In our Innards section, we go over the working from home slash home-office setups we have.
And finally, the feedback
mintCast 344 – Getting Jacked
First up, in our Wanderings, I fiddle with the Focusrite, Tony Hughes paints it pink, Joe puts a ring on it, Bo gets jacked, Tony Watts reduces, reuses and recycles
Then, in the news, WSL2 hearts Linux disks, Nvidia grows an ARM, and Gnome Gnews
In security, we finish our conversation Download
mintCast 343.5 – FOSS or Bust
In our Innards section, NonFree vs FOSS
And finally, the feedback and a suggestion
mintCast 343 – Tinfoil Not Included
First up, in our Wanderings, I recorded some how-to’s, Moss has computers raining on him, Joe reads and repairs, Tony Watts jams and tinkers, and Bo and Tony Hughes will be back next episode.
Then, in the news, we have news from Mint, Debian, and MX Linux. We also say goodbye to a team member.
In security, we take a break from the doom and gloom and just talk tinfoil.
Linux Mint
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We currently host our podcast at archive.org. Support us by supporting them. Donate here.
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This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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