Author: mintcast

  • mintCast episode 9: Org-mode

    Episode 9: Org-mode In this episode Possible data loss in Ext4 French Police Save Millions Switching To Ubuntu Desktop Linux is ready for the mainstream Org-mode Emacs Rothgar […]

  • The GNU/Linux Desktop: Nine Myths

    I’m having a problem with trying to get the podcast posted to the web site. I have contacted support, and hope to have it posted by Wednesday evening. While you’re […]

  • mintCast Episode 8: Linux User Groups

    In this episode Linux Mint 6 XFCE Released Ballmer says Linux Bigger Competitor than Apple World of Goo Linux version Released Upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7 May Not […]

  • mintCast Episode 7

    In this episode Linux Mint 6 x64 Edition released KDE 4.2.0 released: Microsoft Update Installs a Firefox Extension Removing the Firefox Extension that Microsoft Forced on You […]

  • Testing Twitter

    Over in the Linux Mint blog, someone requested that those of us contributing to the Mint project set up Twitter accounts, so they can follow us. I’m not sure I […]

Linux Mint

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