Author: mintcast

  • Episode 24: A Tale of Two Distros

    In this episode Linux on the radio – 30 seconds – mp3 – ogg Linux on the radio – 60 seconds – mp3 – ogg Ubuntu 9.10 Sabayon 5.o Web […]

  • Episode 23: Wine

    OggCamp The Linux Outlaws and the Ubuntu UK Podcast are organising a barcamp-style free software / free culture event called OggCamp on Sunday, the 25th of October in Wolverhampton in […]

  • Google sends cease-and-desist to Android ROM modder

    I recently read this story over at engadget mobile and couldn’t help but think this sort of thing really hurts the Android scene. I know CyanogenMod was in the wrong […]

  • Episode 22: Podcatchers

    OggCamp The Linux Outlaws and the Ubuntu UK Podcast are organising a barcamp-style free software / free culture event called OggCamp on Sunday, the 25th of October in Wolverhampton in […]

  • How to reinstall Grub from a live CD

    From episode 21 I mentioned that my Grub bootloader got hosed when I installed Windows 7 on a second partition on my laptop. I wanted to take the time to […]

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