Episode 63: Unity and Gnome shell. Part 2

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  • 0:21:10 Unity and Gnome3/Shell

Website of the Week

Tip of the Week

  • 1:20:54 Super + e and Ctrl + alt + down arrow  — lets you move through virtual desktops in the new Gnome-Shell


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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/
The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.




9 Replies to “Episode 63: Unity and Gnome shell. Part 2”

  1. Todd

    You probably realize this already, but just in case you didn’t, this show is the same as episode 62. Guess the wrong one got uploaded.

  2. JamesC

    No Ep 62 and Ep 63 are different in the links. I just checked personally. Please give the link another try.

      • Harrison

        Sorry there, I am to blame for this confusion, I saw your comment and I just went ahead and changed it, but i never got around to posting here that it was fixed.

  3. TK

    Spirited discussion on our future desktops, thanks.

    FYI – linux mint stickers do exist, a quick search will turn some up on ebay and zapple.

  4. Peng Hardin

    I had to resnag the ep since I found a weird edit or something a little after half way through or so (all of a sudden I heard Jaloob in the midst of the Unity/Gnome 3 discussion), but after hearing a good part of the Unity/Gnome 3 discussion I’m left with one impression: I’m glad I switched to KDE last year. This way I don’t have to worry with either Unity or Gnome Shell, which is good because what I heard did not make me want to use either of them.

  5. Sonic4Spuds

    thanks for the work on the podcast, I have been having some issues with the artwork I am working on, but progress is still being made.


  6. max

    I am glad Linux Mint 11 will not use Unity or Gnome Shell it would be a mistake. I think Ubuntu is making bad decisions and that will hurt them unless they change course. I believe Mint may pass them as most used linux distro this year also.

    What Ubuntu is doing sort of reminds me of the change from Windows XP to Vista.

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