Month: June 2013

  • mintCast 165 – FLOSS System Admin

    165] News: Linux Mint 15 KDE and Xfce RCs are now available for download ( KDE) ( Xfce) Linux Mint 16 will be codenamed “Petra” ( 8-Way Desktop Comparison On […]

  • mintCast 165 (MP3) – FLOSS System Admin

    165] Show Notes Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

  • mintCast 164: Fanboys and Open Source

    Listen: [OGG on] News: Clem confirms Cinnamon 2.0 to break free of Gnome desktop in Mint 16 ( Mint is the best distro for a newbie ( Berlin won’t […]

  • mintCast 164 (MP3): Fanboys and Open Source Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

  • mintCast 163: Linux Mint 15 Mate

    Listen: [MP3] or [OGG] News: Cinnamon 2.0 in Linux Mint 16, no GNOME back-end. ( Why we need an anti-virus software in Linux. ( The Wayland Situation: Facts About X […]

Linux Mint

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