Tag: Rust
456 – Built For Linux
First up in the news: Mint Monthly News – February, Linus Torvalds make Linux Rust-ier, and Mozilla flounders with privacy policy
Then in our Wanderings: Bill is missing, Moss is still catching up, Joe works on his rack.
In our Innards section: We Discuss Linux dedicated hardware
In Bodhi Corner, work has begun on Bodhi Linux 8 with lots of changes under the hood;
And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions
388 – Another One Writes the Rust
First up in the news, we have some Gnome news, some new Intel on Linux 5.19, the kernel gets even more Rusty, Ubuntu loses its Pulse, and Proton unifies. In security and privacy: Facebook has no clue where your data goes. LinuxFX dumps user data… where? Mozilla fixes a serious vulnerability. Then in our Wanderings: Joe starts making videos, Moss’ wife starts Cruzeing, and Norbert starts his new laptop. In our Innards section, we get some thoughts on Ubuntu 22.04. And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions
380 – Leo makes an appearance
First up in the news, Raspberry Pi OS has a 64-bit version, Nvidia has a release, System76 releases their scheduler, the This Week in Gnome blog, Slackware and Peppermint OS have new releases and Debian uses Arch.
In security, PolicyKit vulnerability lies dormant for a decade, GNU coreutils are being rewritten in Rust, Ubuntu improves low memory handling andSurfshark VPN jumps the shark.
Then in our Wanderings, Moss strikes a chord, Norbert further bodges his system, Bill gets more air time, Leo goes on an XL MX adventure, Joe runs for board and Nishant is distro hopping.
376 – Joe, Do You Copy?
First up in the news, Linux Mint monthly news, Europe embraces open source, Debian has browser issues, Fedora goes all in on Wayland, Firefox helps you fight spam, And the Linux kernel gets rusty
In security, Ubuntu Kernel Security Patches, FGKASLR gets closer to mainline, Data stealing malware hides on Linux servers, Go Daddy data breach
In our Wanderings, Joe does some 3d printing, Josh got a new monitor, Norbert switches OS’s, and Clayton looks back
Linux Mint
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