Tag: linux

  • 396 – Ransomware Goes Wild

    First up in the news, Stallman goes manual on C, DNF5 arrives in Fedora, LibreOffice gets fumigated, GNOME comes into its Shell, they have put hair in the Blender, Avast buys your cookies, and Intel fogs the processor market;
    In security and privacy, we have multi-stage malware, website leaks, and shell attacks;
    Then in our Wanderings, Norbert is cutting corners, Moss tries a different mint, Joe keeps modding, and Bill fixes a broken Arch …again.
    In our Innards section, Ransomware goes to school;
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • 394 – With music on our side to break the old hard drives

    First up in the news, The Kernel gets a bump, LibreOffice adds a point, Android 13 is out if you have a Pixel, and Gnome has a birthday,
    In security and privacy, Discord and your passwords are pythoned, and hard drives apparently have a taste in music
    Then in our Wanderings, Joe plays with his handheld, Bill is setting up a new server, Moss skips the assault and gets a couple batteries, and Norbert has had done some things.

  • 391- Putting our Money where our mouths are

    First up in the news, Mint is coming, Lennart Poettering has left the building, Vim speaks a new language, WebApps come to GNOME 43, Fedora lets Flatpak out of jail and wants to talk, GTK5 is dropping the X, Linux gets Siri, er, Cortana, er, Carola.
    In security and privacy, CISA sounds the alarm, and Firefox strips
    Then in our Wanderings, Bill repaves his Omen, Moss goes back to school, Joe is still in 3D and Norbert is typing still
    In our Innards section We talk subscription Services
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • Episode 384

    Show notes First up in the news,Google has an NVMe problem, Arch has a new installer, Deepin unlocks your face, Fedora and Ubuntu have betas and they both default to […]

  • 377 – Zero Days of Christmas

    In the news, Pop OS 21.10 is released, GNOME 42 – Top New Feature and Release Detail, ReactOS 0.4.14 has been released, Krita 5.0 has been released, and there’s yet another desktop environment on the horizon
    In security, a grub update causes problems with Ubuntu and a Log4shell update
    Then in our wanderings, Joe's on vacation, Norbert's full of gingerbread, Nishant is surviving the winter, Josh is on Windows, and Bill's just glad to be here

Linux Mint

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