Tag: Inkscape

  • 418 – In Memoriam: Kevin Mitnick

    First up in the news: Mint Monthly News, Fedora Asahi Remix debuts, Wine 8.13 releases, Debian makes RISC-V official, Inkscape 1.3 released, Canonical seizes LXD maintenance, Google will start deleting inactive accounts in December, Google does something “dangerous” to chromium, ChromeOS splits browser from OS, Derrick Wong leaves XFS,

    In security and privacy: Zenbleed: A new Flaw in AMD Zen 2 Processors

    Then in our Wanderings: Joe fixes a van, Moss just tries to keep up, Bill rants about Audacity, and Majid joins in the heatwave

    In our Innards section, we discuss the passing of Kevin Mitnick and a few of its repercussions to the Linux and security communities

    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions


  • 382.5 – It’s Time to Focus

    In our Innards section we discuss our free and open source alternatives for proprietary software.

  • 373.5 – App-Get Install

    In our Innards section, we discuss the applications that we use most often
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • mintCast 362 – The Takeover

    First up, in our Wanderings, I’ve been system building, Joe has been playing with his new 3D printer, Bo has range anxiety and Tony has been learning about creating YouTube videos
    Then in our news, Freenode taken over by Andrew Lee and Ubuntu and Fedora abandon ship, Material Shell for Gnome 40, Fedora 32 is end of life, and more

  • mintCast 335 – Be Our Guest (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, I finally got my Pi4, Scott has been working from home, Moss plays for his peeps, Tony’s been reinstalling, and Joe’s been printing in 3d
    Then, in the news, no ZFS for Mint, some honorable mentions on the Ubuntu section last episode, LibreOffice Alpha is out, and more!

Linux Mint

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