• 379 – There Can Be Only One

    In this episode we discuss our current daily driver distros of choice and pick alternatives that we would move to if our current distros of choice stopped being developed.
    In security, Ubuntu Kernel Security Patches, FGKASLR gets closer to mainline, Data stealing malware hides on Linux servers, Go Daddy data breach
    In our Wanderings, Joe does some 3d printing, Josh got a new monitor, Norbert switches OS’s, and Clayton looks back

  • mintCast 359 – COSMIC Proportions (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, I get a fresh stream, Joe sends his keystrokes over the air, Josh has a server dilemma, and Mike heads to space.
    Then, in the News, we get hypnotized, we look at Apple M1 support again, celebrate a birthday, and look to the stars.
    In Security, Skynet.

  • mintCast 359 – COSMIC Proportions

    First up, in our Wanderings, I get a fresh stream, Joe sends his keystrokes over the air, Josh has a server dilemma, and Mike heads to space.
    Then, in the News, we get hypnotized, we look at Apple M1 support again, celebrate a birthday, and look to the stars.
    In Security, Skynet.

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