Episode 71: News With a Side of GIT

News & Personal Updates


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  • 0:52:24 A quick GIT walkthrough


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Tip of the Week

  • To pull updates from a development repo use git pull origin and it will pull and merge any updates into the local repository.


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9 Replies to “Episode 71: News With a Side of GIT”

  1. BostonPeng

    The Synaptic issue shows me that once again Canonical seems to be turning their back on users who are familiar with Linux in favor of noobs who haven’t used Linux before. With my using Linux on LiveUSBs (cheap 4gb MicroCenter USBs at that) I frequently have to reburn a flash drive when Mint KDE stops behaving properly, and I rely on Synaptic to be able to make sure the drive can see the repos so I can install Chromium.

    Granted, I haven’t fired up Ubuntu in months but I suspect I’m not the only one who needs Synaptic before doing an actual install. Or is my use that different from the norm that it can be ignored?

  2. dvc05

    Congratulations on your top-three podcast nomination, you guys deserve it.

    I have previously used Sparkleshare, but have my woes due to it’s dependency on mono. That, and it’s need of server-side application limits the use to my home-server.

    A promising “Dropbox-alternative” is the Syncany project (syncany.org) which doesn’t require server-side applications. It uses any storage you can throw at it. It encrypts data client-side and can even break it into chunks and store the pieces separately on different storage-spaces.

    Very interesting features are the possibility of storing bit-chunks in IMAP (ex. Gmail), and even using steganography to store data hidden in images on Picasa.

    The project is under development, but the code is ready for use under linux at launchpad.

    And keep up the amazing work on your podcast, we appreciate it!

  3. BostonPeng

    There’s one Git question I wish Harrison had answered: Why would we want to run Git in the first place? I know the answer but others may not.

    Whether there’s a new ‘Cast at the end of the weekend or not I hope you guys (and gals) have the Most Excellent of summer holiday weekends.

  4. Doughbury

    I just got around to listening to this episode (congratulations on the nod from Linux Format!) and I wanted to make a suggestion based on James’ plea for putting spare CPU cycles to good use. Perhaps in a future episode, you can feature BOINC (http://www.boinc.berkeley.edu/). It’s a distributive computing platform maintained by UC Berkeley that manages a computer’s CPU usage to give some of those spare cycles to various scientific causes of the user’s choosing. The application is configurable and allows the user to throttle or limit usage as needed, or even toss a GPU into the mix as well for even faster data crunching. I like the idea that my computer is advancing the frontiers of science. It makes me feel like I am contributing to some future discovery, and it makes me feel good to give to the scientific causes I believe in, even if there is no Bitcoinage involved.

    • Doughbury

      Oh, and I forgot to mention that BOINC is available in the repos at “boinc-client” and “boinc-manager.”

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