Episode 68: The Cast and Mr. Larry Bushey

News & Personal Updates

Main Topic

  • Interview with (the great) Larry Bushy from the Going Linux podcast!


  • Doughbury wrote in about Microsoft’s Skype aquisition
  • Sparra Mc commented on our installer discussion from episode 67
  • And our friend Boston Peng chimed in as well
  • And finally, a shout-out to DruKe.

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  • None

More info

Hosts: Rob, Scott, James, Harrison
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/ The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.



3 Replies to “Episode 68: The Cast and Mr. Larry Bushey”

  1. rad_sci_guy

    Good episode. Can’t go wrong with Larry on a podcast.

    I do have a bit of constructive criticism. The file size was 117 mb. That’s really big. The mp3 was encoded at 160 kbps. I think you could reduce the size of the file greatly by encoding at smaller rate (64 or 96 kbps). The file was grinding my sansa clip to a halt, not to mention the bandwidth you guys need to use to distribute the file.

    • Harrison

      Hey rad_sci_guy, I just want to say that first we have unlimited bandwidth on our end, so that’s not a problem. Second, we know very well the size of the files, James was listening through the final copy of the MP3 and he says that at about 96 kbits/s it sounded really bad, and the ogg (which has been bigger from the start) sounded good. the file size for the “Bad” MP3 was 70-80 MB where as the size for the OGG was 90-100 MB. I know that’s big but there is a difference in sound Quality. Maybe we need something like the UbuntuUK podcast as they have a hi quality and a low quality option. But yes file size is important, it’s just balancing it with Quality. We record the podcast into Flac files which end up being about 100-160 MB per person (with around 4-5 people on at a time that’s 400-600 MB!) so a 100 MB MP3 is quite compressed from the original.

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