Episode 29: CES Special

Rothgar’s favorite items from CES 2010. Also this was supposed to be done as a different episode so sorry if there are random edits where I changed numbers and corrected myself on a few acronyms. I left a few mistakes still in the podcast but trying to edit that stuff out is hard. 🙂
I also threw in some different music this time just to mix things up. Let us know what you think. The music is from DanoSongs.com and is called “Crazy From the Message”.

Here is all the stuff I talk about in this episode so you can read up more about it.

Cell phones
Nexus One
Palm Pre+ and Pixi+
LG GW990
Lonovo LePhone

Lonovo IdeaPad U1
HP netbooks
HP Slate
Sony Dash Chumby
NetGear 3g and wimax sharing routers
See through OLED display
Skylight smartbook

Sony Blu-ray player
Skype enabled TV
Haier’s wireless TVMIT WiTricity
Visio VXT
Samsung C9000
Boxee Box
HDHR Cable Card

Hosts: Charles, Rothgar, SiKing, Art Vanderhoff

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2 Replies to “Episode 29: CES Special”

  1. pgpenc

    Hi Rothgar,

    I loved the sound quality on this week’s episode, but really didn’t like the new theme music.

    I always imagine (since episode 1) Charles with long beard/shades, rocking out to the old music on his electric guitar … please, please, please leave this thought intact!

    Love the show!

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