Episode 133: Linus Told You So


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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “Episode 133: Linus Told You So”

  1. David a/k/a @InfinitelyManic

    Re Linus’ comments (among many other comments).

    First of all, I do not condone them (i.e., none of his over the top expressions). Nonetheless, under US law, he is entitled to his public expressions (to the extent it is not libel or slander or a physical threat, yadda, yadda, yadda).

    Moreover, Linus has the courage to do or say in public what many people do and say in private – so can we really cast stones?

  2. Easling

    I can understand Google not being able to enforce a ruling by a German court in America – German courts don’t have jurisdiction in America. But not to let Google enforce the ruling in Germany is a horse of another color. American courts don’t have jurisdiction over companies in foreign countries, even if they are American companies. They, American companies, are doing business in those countries under those countries laws, NOT American laws. So Google SHOULD be able to enforce a German court’s ruling in Germany!!!!!

  3. Easling

    Linus Torvalds should exercise a little bit of what we use to call decorum & refrain. Yes, he, as an individual, has the right to his opinions and can freely express them. But, as the head of Linux and the Linux development team, he is no longer just himself. He now represents a bigger entity and should act accordingly – more dignity, refrain, decorum.

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