Episode 129: Monitoring Utilities


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    Making recursive directories. If you need to create a directory inside of another directory (or two, or three) that don’t exist, you can create the entire hierarchy of directories with one command by using the -p option with the mkdir command. Example:

    mkdir -p /foo/bar/foo2/bar2

    This will create a directory named bar2, in a directory named foo2, in a directory named bar, in a directory named foo. If any of those directories did not exist at the time of command invocation, they will be created by the command. Much easier than using the GUI for this same task.

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

24 Replies to “Episode 129: Monitoring Utilities”

  1. Thorsen Vreeland

    There seems to be an audio problem for the last half hour or so with large gaps and only Rob’s voice between. It has a certain surreal appeal 🙂

    Also is there any chance you can post a list of the utilities mentioned?

  2. merelyjim

    Yup, right at about 52 minutes into it, silence. I didn’t keep on listening long enought afterwards to get the odd bit of one-sided conversation.

  3. Brian Ackroyd

    Some good stuff to investigate amongst the utilities – very interesting.
    I was very pleased to hear that the man with cancer was to have his operation after all. One of the things that makes the US look very ugly is its treatment of its own citizens when it comes to health care. I know that President Obama tried to improve the situation but, as usual, the money-men, seeing they were going to lose out, stepped in with all their propaganda about how bad it would be. Citing isolated incidents in our UK National Health system. Believe me I know which country I would sooner live in. As an outsider, the second most ugly thing about the US is the (PRIVATE) Bank Central Reserve. I won’t go further as this will turn into a blog 🙂
    Thanks for a another great podcast, you guys are great to listen to.

  4. Bill_MI

    I think the long audio gaps are James’ part. They record individually then combine later for best quality and I think James had a recording issue.

    I had to miss a lot from the chatroom and looked forward to reviewing this excellent topic. It may not be possible to correct this easily but I hope they can and do.

    • Iain Simpson

      Did everyone suffer from this ?
      It certainly was weird.
      Again can you publish a list of the command line utilities, I was making notes but missed some.

  5. BostonPeng

    I was finally able to listen to the podcast last night and I really hope we’ll get a corrected podcast soon to replace the missing audio.

    Also, the package to get the Gtk interface for lshw is lshw-gtk, not gtk-lshw, or at least that’s what Synaptic is showing for LMDE.

  6. Paul

    It was heartening to hear of the support sent for the surgery that Ken Stark needed.

    Your realize that your overseas listeners, if any, would be perplexed. All industrialized countries except us have some form of national health system that assures citizen’s health insurance coverage. The U.S. is also unique in that about 60% of bankruptcies have a medical expense component. This type bankruptcy is unknown elsewhere.

    This is American Exceptionalism of the type that we should not be proud of.

  7. Brian36 Dorset England

    Thanks guys. Pity about the inaudible bits. Any chance of a list of the commands? The mtr command was cool, and thanks for the warning about nmap. Looking forward to trying these out!

  8. JamesC

    That’s really odd that there is no audio!!!!! My Audacity Project looks fine. Maybe an exporting error will upload new tracks ASAP!

  9. JamesC

    Filesystem got hosed! There is no way for me to re-edit this episode so the one that’s up is the only one there is going to be. I tried to boot up and my partition somehow become corrupted.

    • JamesC

      HAHAH That’s the first thing you do when you find a non-booting system. I don’t keep regular backups, not enough free space. There was no fscking this drive this partition. But I’ll see if I can’t recover something.

  10. taxpayer

    (1) Maybe a future MintCast should be about remote backup services. I had a lot of trouble finding a secure one that works well for an unsophisticated linux user (Currently using CrashPlan).
    (2) I’ll repeat the request of several above, for a list of the recommended utilities in this episode.

    • Scott

      I will dig up the document that I used for this episode and get it posted. Sorry for the delay; James’ harddrive crash screwed things up for sure.

      • Ian Barton

        Thanks Scott that would be very useful. Despite the missing audio, I think that it was one of your best episodes. Perhaps you should call it the karaoke episode, where listeners have to fill kin the gaps themselves:)

  11. FNC

    Hi Rob, just want to note that if you run netstat with the -n option it does not resolve IP addresses to hostnames and this is what is causing netstat to be slower that ss.

  12. FNC

    I don’t know if you mentioned this as some of the audio was missing, but munin is also a very neat monitor that checks and records information regarding network, cpu , memory, sensors and anything else you can think of.
    The results are saved as a rdd graph in a web page.

    I work at a company that only uses Linux servers and we run munin on all our servers so that we can have a historical, graphical display of resources on our server.

    I can also recommend Zabbix and and Nagios for monitoring multiple device from a single web interface.

  13. Bill_MI

    Here’s how you make Murphy’s Law work FOR you…

    If everyone in the chatroom just ran:

    wget -O mintcast.mp3 http://jblive.fm

    We’d all have a backup copy of the stream. Of course this will insure, and this is where Murphy comes in, they will never be needed. 🙂

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