Episode 127: Bring on the Accessible Computing Foundation!


The Main Topic:

  • Jonathon Nadeau from the Accessible Computing Foundation joins us for a moment to speak about the progress he has made in accessible computing and to inform us about his fundraiser to help get his non-profit organization off the ground. By helping to fund his foundation we can help spread computing to the masses.

Featured Website:

  • Accessible Computing Foundation
  • The Accessible Computing Foundation exists to design Free software to help bridge the gap between accessibility and technology. As a nonprofit we will hire developers to create Free accessible software and bring awareness to people’s accessible needs around the world.


  • Ctrl + x + e  Rapidly invoke the default editor (environment variable $EDITOR) to write a long, complex, or tricky command.
  • Next time you are using your shell, try typing ctrl-x e (that is holding control key press x and then e). you’ll see the command you are writing in your editor, there you can change it, and once you save and exit from that editor the modified command will be automatically run on your shell. (credit to Linuxaria )

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “Episode 127: Bring on the Accessible Computing Foundation!”

  1. Dayton_b

    Regarding the tip, this works because by default the readline setting for your bash shell is emacs style. If you change your readline setting to be vi style, then brings you to vi’s normal mode. You get all your “dw”, “b”, “~”, commands with a few things different from the actual vi keystrokes: importantly “v” opens your command in your default editor instead of putting you in visual mode.

  2. merelyjim

    There’s a really good version of KNOPPIX [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knoppix#Adriane_Knoppix] for the visually impared.
    I’ve always got a copy on a flash-drive to give away to those who might need it at the shop, or at home.
    Amazingly, I’ve yet to encounter someone who asks “is it hard to use?” The visually impared always assume that it’s going to be difficult, and the feedback I’ve recieved has usually been shock that they finally found something easy.

  3. Beardy Jesse

    Possibly the best suggestion I’ve heard on Mintcast to date – “let’s only review final releases of distros”. While I never had a problem with the review of RC’s, the final comment on every review I’ve heard or read (not only on your podcast) is along the lines of “…this problem may be sorted in the final cut”. This tends to leave the listener unsure as to how good the final version will be, and therefore misses the point of a review! So I think it’s a good idea to wait for the final release before expressing opinions.

    On a related topic – I was of the impression that the XFCE desktop environment was lightweight, and therefore the best Mint variant for older hardware. My problem is that it comes on a DVD which some of my hardware doesn’t boot from! Yes, it’s that old. Do you know whether it’s possible to install something from a CD and then upgrade it to Mint XFCE – for example the Ubuntu alternate CD base and then add all of the Mint XFCE goodness ontop?

    Keep up the good work,

    • merelyjim

      I agree, but I think I’m a bit spoiled, too. One of the other disrto’s I use is Crunchbang Linux, and whenever a RC comes along, it’s dead solid from the first install until it comes out with a final.
      As to the older hardware, I’d suggest using Linux Mint Debian (the Xfce version). One of the reasons they came up with it in the first place is that it could run on the CPU and RAM you’d find in an average toaster…

      • Beardy Jesse

        Ah thanks for that suggestion. I was of the impression that LMDE’s sole selling point was that it didn’t need upgrading all the time, however I chose SolusOS in place of LMDE for that. I didn’t realise it was lighter too, will investigate.

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