Episode 126: The Enlightening Jeff Hoogland

Listen: mintcast126.mp3 or mintcast126.ogg


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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

2 Replies to “Episode 126: The Enlightening Jeff Hoogland”

  1. merelyjim

    Hey, *

    I hate being critical of audio quality, but this last show left something to be desired. Whenever Jeff Hoogland spoke, the volume went from normal to really loud every few seconds, making the podcast a pain to listen to. Sorry, couldn’t get through it…

    I did take Bodhi Linux out for a test-drive despite this, and found it fast and responsive. I’ve replaced the LMDE-Xfce on my 64-bit Toshiba, and hoping that this is going to be a smooth ride, despite Bodhi being an Ubuntu derivative.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I distro-hop enough that it doesn’t really matter if the latest install is a rolling-release of bi-annual; it’s never going to last more than six months anyway before I try something else. If you’re the same, you might want to check out the CrunchBang mega-thread “Distro-hoppers Anonymous” at http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/5729/distrohoppers-anonymous/ There’s very few signs of trolls here, until someone mentioned Hannah Montana Linux, and then we all just went nuts.

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