416 – The Red Hat Diaries

First up in the news: Mint Monthly News, Steam Deck exceeds 10,000 games, Red Hat fights public opinion, new LibreBoot is out, Google whines about their new AI search, Peppermint OS upgrades to Bookworm, a new KaOS, First Amendment fails at Supremes, and Solus 4 is released

In security and privacy, StackRot is here, and so is ProtonPass

Then in our Wanderings, Moss makes money, Joe goes 3D, Bill mics up, and Majid thumbs his nose at inflation

The News

Mint Monthly News

Steam Deck hits over 10,000 verified and playable games

Red Hat tried to address criticism over their new source code restrictions

LibreBoot, FOSS BIOS replacement, sees new release

Google Admits Users “Not Quite Happy” With New Search Engine

New Peppermint OS is out, based on Debian 12

New version of KaOS is out, Arch-“inspired” with Plasma

Judge rules White House pressured social networks to “suppress free speech

Solus 4 is released

Security and Privacy

StackRot, a new Linux Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability

Introducing Proton Pass

Full Shownotes can be found here

Wrap Up

Special Thanks To:

  • Bill Houser for our audio editing
  • Archive.org for hosting our audio files
  • Hobstar for our logo, initrd for the animated Discord logo
  • Londoner for our time syncs and various other contribution
  • Bill Houser for hosting the server which runs our website, website maintenance, and the NextCloud server on which we host our show notes and raw audio
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about <Thanks, Clem … and co!>

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