Tag: Manjaro

  • 421 – Fun and Feckless

    First up in the news: LMDE 6 “Faye” BETA Released, Fedora and Asahi Linux revamp installation process, Plasma 6 release date is set, IBM raises cloud prices, Manjaro 23 released, Mozilla rushes out patches, and ZFS returns to Ubuntu

    In security and privacy, a huge security breach affects all browsers, and Google does user tracking

    Then in our Wanderings, Majid has been a busy bunny, Joe is having troubles with 3D, Dale has been driven crazy, Bill gears up for public education, and Eric hates computers.


  • 381 – Mozilla Does Something Meta

    First up in the news: AMD builds brand new Linux graphics driver support and Ubuntu MATE to add native Flatpak support. In security and privacy: Arch Linux packages are… outdated? Mozilla does something really Meta, the ‘EARN IT Act’ makes a return, and FLoC was a flop, but Google has some new ideas. Then in our Wanderings Joe gets another new to me bike, Norbert defeats distro hopping, Moss goes international, Josh tells us about running Manjaro, and Bill is truckcasting.

  • 374.5 – “Smart” Phones

    In our Innards section, phones
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • 370 – New Wanderers

    First up in the news Linux Mint gets a new website, A new point release, Firefox snaps back, Gnome and Plasma get updates, and much more
    In security, no encrypted chats are safe
    Then in our Wanderings, we hear from the old AND new crew

  • 369 – Cache Flushing

    First up in the news Linux Mint is ready for the facelift, Snaps get an upgrade, Kernel 5.14 is out, and 5.15 is looking good, and Ubuntu gets a release date
    In security cache flushing and Bluetooth flaws
    Then in our Wanderings Joe pines a phone with plasma, Tony walks 500 miles, and I search for a keyboard

Linux Mint

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