Tag: Apple

  • mintCast 359 – COSMIC Proportions (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, I get a fresh stream, Joe sends his keystrokes over the air, Josh has a server dilemma, and Mike heads to space.
    Then, in the News, we get hypnotized, we look at Apple M1 support again, celebrate a birthday, and look to the stars.
    In Security, Skynet.

  • mintCast 359 – COSMIC Proportions

    First up, in our Wanderings, I get a fresh stream, Joe sends his keystrokes over the air, Josh has a server dilemma, and Mike heads to space.
    Then, in the News, we get hypnotized, we look at Apple M1 support again, celebrate a birthday, and look to the stars.
    In Security, Skynet.

  • mintCast 351.5 – Batting a Thousand (mp3)

    In our Innards section, we look back on last year's predictions, and make new ones.
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions Download

  • mintCast 351.5 – Batting a Thousand

    In our Innards section, we look back on last year's predictions, and make new ones.
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • mintCast 324 – Attack of the Releases

    First up, in our Wanderings, Leo suffers from new computer ills, Tony Hughes works on his cars, Moss fiddles with more distros, it’s reading and repairs for Joe, Tony Watts is rockin’ it, and Josh goes mad and gets an iPhone.
    Then, in our news, Linux Mint 19.3 is almost here, Canonical has been very busy, New elementaryOS and Firefox, and more
    In security, two Linux vulnerabilities and a takeover of PIA goes weird

Linux Mint

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