mintCast 315.5 – On OggCamp with Les and Dan


In the second half, we interview Dan and Les about OggCamp and get more than we bargained for.

Then, in our security update, we talk about how Chrome’s Incognito mode can be detected.

Finally, we share feedback and point out a few things we found interesting this fortnight.


OggCamp 2009-2019

So this week we are happy to have two special guests on the show, Dan and Les, to tell us some of the history of OggCamp and Talk about this years 10th Anniversary event In Manchester (UK) and Josh is going to lead the interview, Go for it Josh.

  • It’s great to have you both on the show with us! Please introduce yourselves and tell us what OggCamp is and how you got involved in it?
  • Some of us have heard of OggCamp before, but it would be great to get a bit of background to the event. What exactly is it and how did it start?
  • What are some of your best memories of prior OggCamps?
  • Is there anything special about the event this year? What can people expect in terms of talks and sessions?
  • Can anyone do a talk, whether they’re a beginner or an expert?
  • Where can people book a ticket?
  • Finally, where can people follow you both and follow OggCamp on the internet?


  • Sites are Detecting Whether Someone Is Using Chrome Incognito Mode
    • The quota
      • Sites can detect incognito through disk quotas by probing how much free space is available. Incognito sets a hard quota of 120MB. When a site sees this quota, it assumes you’re Incognito
    • The timings
      • Another way sites can detect Incognito is through how quickly information is written to “disk.” In Incognito, everything is written to RAM which is always quicker than even the fastest SSDs. A site will also assume you’re Incognito if it sees RAM-type speeds.
    • Sites are already using Vikas Mishra’s research to continue countering Incognito
    • Google promises to fight back
    • A question: How does Firefox handle these situations? Are there issues there too? [Don’t use Chrome/ium/Edge/Vivaldi/Opera/Brave/SRWareIron]
    • Ask Joe how to make chrome anonymous
  • There’s an interesting PIA sponsored LTT video on using Tor browser, a VPN and Tails Linux distro (a linux OS that runs off of RAM)


  • Henrik (Post on our site from 313.5 – Desktop Environments)

  • Mike (Post on our site from 313.5 – Desktop Environments)
  • Larry
  • Another from Henrik


Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible …

  • Josh for working on redesigning our website, setting up the YouTube stream, and providing lots of technical help.
  • Bytemark hosting for providing the new hosting server for the website.
  • for hosting our audio files.
  • The folks at Hacker Public Radio for the Mumble server we use to communicate
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about. [Thanks Clem!]


One Reply to “mintCast 315.5 – On OggCamp with Les and Dan”

  1. David McCormick

    On the subject of ogg format.
    In the spirit of opensource you should be using it, if the Apple people have trouble, then they should move to a more open platform.

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