mintCast 259 – Preparing to Build an LFS System




Main Topic:

  • Rob and Isaac take the first steps toward creating an LFS system.

Tips & Websites:

Pre-Show Music:

Podcast Announcements:

  • No announcements

More Information:

Hosts: Rob and Isaac
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

3 Replies to “mintCast 259 – Preparing to Build an LFS System”

  1. Eduardo Sanchez

    Bravo, guys!

    I love where you guys are going with this LFS project. You are totally motivating me to follow along with my own LFS project. Your podcast is a refreshing change from the “let’s rehash the news” format that many of the GNU/Linux podcasts are taking. Instead of following the crowd your podcast is about learning! Yay! 🙂

    I really enjoyed hearing about the new stuff you learned (like Dash). Please keep sharing what you learn and, more importantly, what you mess up. We can all learn from each others’ mistakes.

    One quick question about your podcast’s name: have you considered changing the name of your podcast to something that will move away from Mint? …just wondering, not suggesting …but if you were, here are some suggestions for a new name:

    GNU/Linux GLearners (sorry)
    Understanding GNU/Linux
    Building GNU/Linux

    Please consider getting a Patreon account so we can contribute to your LFS-related equipment needs.

    • Will

      They say in the episode that they don’t have any big costs so they don’t need donations and recommend that you donate to the Linux Mint team instead.

      They also mentioned that the Linux Mint developers are too busy to come on the podcast. I wonder if these things could be combined — maybe if listeners pooled their donations into one big donation to Linux Mint on behalf of the MintCast listeners, someone from the development team would be willing to come on the podcast as a thank you?

  2. Will

    It seems to me that you guys are off to a good start. I am not going to say that you are not up to the challenge, but I am still curious to see how this series goes. I don’t doubt that you will be able to complete a successful LFS build, but the challenging part will be covering that in podcast form. The challenge will be covering that each week and keeping it from getting too technical and dry. Mixing in some tangents might be a good strategy.

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