mintCast 254 – News, news and more news



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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

7 Replies to “mintCast 254 – News, news and more news”

  1. Will

    Isaac, I don’t think the Pi Foundation cares how open or creepy Chromium is. From what Joe said on the last JoeRess and last Luddites episodes, it sounds like the Pi Foundation does not care about open source or Linux, just their mission of education. Joe said this was one of the reasons he didn’t feel like continuing the Pi Podcast.

    From Rob’s negative comments about LXDE, I wasn’t if he understood that PIXEL is just a re-themed LXDE. Personally, I use Ubuntu Mate with X on the Pi because I prefer its default security settings.

    I guess given the gaming discussion you guys play a lot of Flash games? I got my current laptop two years ago. I use Firefox and have never bothered to install Flash and have never missed it.

  2. David

    Rob, I think there is a problem with the ogg feed. This this episode (and the previous episode) generated files that were invalid when I tried playing them on my Cowon J3. I am using bashpodder to pull down the files. Same setup that I have used for years with this podcast and had no problems. If the URL issue that was mentioned here is the cause and you think that was the fix, then that is great. Otherwise, if you would take a look at the ogg feed and make sure nothing else has changed, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

  3. MikeF

    Rob, Rob, Rob. I hope you are using the Much Newer version of Flash from the Adobe Labs web site:
    Works OK for me. Not a Flash fan, but every damn one of the thousands of U.S. media outlets seems to use a Flash based player. Grrrr.

    If you want a Google free version of Chromium, try Ungoogled:
    I only use Chrome for DRMed content that refuses to play elsewhere. More Grrrr.

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