mintCast 217 – Android on your PC

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Android on your PC



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2 Replies to “mintCast 217 – Android on your PC”

  1. richardquirk

    For the archon trick, the easiest way to get things working is to install a launcher app, after that you simply copy the downloaded APKs into the launcher’s directory. No need to convert them, they just appear on the launcher. Pretty elegant. To download the APKs, you can use raccoon.

    However, not many APKs actually work. I noticed there are a few OpenGL things that are wrong on the platform (such as the runtime reporting it supports stuff it doesn’t, so when you use them it crashes), as well as the google play runtime stuff that’s missing.

    I worry that after this was blown open for all apps to run by the developers, that Google sort of got cold feet about the whole thing. There hasn’t been much news since the initial launch back in September/October. Maybe they’ve canned it in Google HQ?

  2. anthonyvenable110

    I wanted to run android on my pc/laptops in virtualbox and just have the programs I want from the playstore installed that way. I have ran android on a pc a long time ago and it was cool to play around with it but I kind of got bored with it after a while. But now it would be more useful to me since I actually have decent pc hardware now.

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