mintCast 196 – Looking at LMDE

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Main Topic: LMDE 201403

  • Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) is a semi-rolling distribution based on Debian Testing. It’s available in both 32 and 64-bit as a live DVD with Cinnamon or MATE. The purpose of LMDE is to look identical to the main edition and to provide the same functionality while using Debian as a base.
  • …but the LMDE repository is down! (
  • Are there enough users for Linux Mint Debian Edition to survive? (


  • Some outrageously gorgeous animated HTML5 login screens for Mint. (

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

7 Replies to “mintCast 196 – Looking at LMDE”

  1. 3dbloke

    Hey Rob and Steve. Enjoyed the podcast, as always. Love the comments on comments (“How do I sign up?”).

    Although I’m a long-time GIMP user, I’d like to try Krita for more free-hand creative work. I see there’s an older version in the LMDE Software Manager, but the install would add a *load* of other software modules, including some KDE ones.

    As a user of LMDE Mate, I’m unclear what effect all these extra software modules will have on my system outside of any Krita usage. Can anyone advise on this?

    I could try Krita in a VirtualBox-hosted Linux distro with a KDE desktop, but my laptop is pretty old and this won’t perform so well.

    Any thoughts?


  2. Bill in Michigan

    I’m a little alarmed. Clem doesn’t seem to be aware just how resource-starved LMDE has been all along. I know a lot of people jumped at the idea when it first came out, myself included, but over time it became obvious it wasn’t getting a lot of attention.

    This isn’t a complaint. I’m fully aware good developers do not grow on trees and LMDE is quite a mouthful to chew. Too much for Mint to tackle? Perhaps. I’m just worried how Clem seems oblivious to LMDE’s real status.

    So how valuable is a strategic direction in Mint’s back pocket worth? To get numbers up, it certainly needs more attention than the past. But why devote good resources if no one uses it? It’s a perfect catch-22, unfortunately.

    I’m convinced if Clem had a magic wand and got LMDE anywhere near the quality of the main Mint releases the numbers would climb dramatically. Build it and they will come. Too bad the magic wand is out for calibration… 🙂

  3. kfelgemacher2014

    Thanks for reporting R.I.T. is now offering classes on open source software. My nephew is going to start college next year and I have been suggesting getting a head start on the open source environment. It’s great to see you guys reporting what schools start going online with open source. Keep up the great work.

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