mintCast 188 – Mint 16 KDE and Xfce

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  • Petra backports available in Linux Mint 13 – The most significant improvements in Petra are being backported to Maya. Among other things, this gives Linux Mint 13 LTS users access to the following packages: MDM 1.4, Cinnamon 2.0, MATE 1.6, The latest versions of mintwelcome, mintstick, mintnanny, mintupload, mintupdate, mintinstall, mintsystem, mintmenu and mintdesktop. (
  • Cinnamon: graphics tablet support needs testing – We’ve begun re-porting graphics tablet (wacom) support back into Cinnamon. (
  • Linux Wins the Desktop in 2014 and 3 More Bold Predictions – Linux won, the penguin has achieved world domination, and the usual commentarians completely missed it even after years of predicting it. (
  • Why didn’t Linux win on the desktop? – Heady forecasts showing Linux would become a major player on the desktop. While the prognostications proved correct for server and embedded operating systems, what happened on the desktop? (
  • Valve Already Has A Dozen Steam Machine Partners – Valve has announced their first 12 partners that intend to bring Steam Machines to the marketplace this year. (
  • GNU Octave 3.8 With Its GUI Officially Announced – GNU Octave 3.8 was officially released on 31 December 2013 to close out the year. Octave 3.8 has its own graphical user-interface and uses OpenGL in conjunction with FLTK widgets. (
  • Panasonic will bring Firefox OS to your smart TV this year – Firefox OS won’t be confined to small devices for much longer. Panasonic has announced a partnership with Mozilla that will see it launch Firefox OS-powered smart TVs and other “smart screens.” (

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Podcast Announcements:

  • Jonathan Nadeau has launched an indiegogo campaign to help bring digital sight to the vision impaired. Further developing the Orca screen reader for vision impaired users to access a computer. (
  • Linux in the Hamshack ( has also kicked off an indigogo campaign to cover some of the costs of participating in the Dayton Hamvention this year. Through a bi-weekly audio podcast, live streaming Internet radio show, community event sponsorship and general outreach, Linux in the Ham Shack (LHS) exposes users to Free Software, and amateur radio to everyone. (

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Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe
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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

3 Replies to “mintCast 188 – Mint 16 KDE and Xfce”

  1. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    It was good to hear Russ (K5TUX), as I’m into hamradio myself (G3XGY). It was his comment (I think it was on his LHS podcast) on his usage of MATE that interested me. That’s my desktop of choice. It’s clutterfree and gets me to the applications I want to use with the advantage of keyboard shortcuts. One concern I have is the future of the link between Mint and Ubuntu. It seems LMDE will be the way to go.
    I’ve just put on LM16. I tend to keep the /home partition unformatted and load the new distro on top of it. No problems so far, but I do do the backups!

  2. 3dbloke

    After several false starts going back several years, 2014 *could* well be the year I finally stay on Linux as my primary OS. I’ve installed LMDE on my laptop in the last week or so. No dual boot.
    This is on an old 120GB HDD that originally came with the laptop. I still have the newer 500GB HDD with Windows 7 and all my media files, so I can swap that into the laptop if I *really* need to, but my aim is to stick with LMDE and access my media files via a USB enclosure.

  3. Bob

    Would be nice if the KDE and XFCE edition got released the same time as Cinnemon and Mate, so we wouldn’t loose two months worth of support!.

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