mintCast 187 – News Of The Year

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PreShow Music:


  • Canonical and Ubuntu binary package licensing – DistroWatch has a very disturbing report about Canonical possibly trying to force Linux Mint to license Ubuntu binary packages. ( (
  • Switch to open source successfully completed, city of Munich says – Munich’s switch to open-source software has been successfully completed, with the vast majority of the public administration’s users now running its own version of Linux, city officials said Thursday. (
  • Linux Voice reaches its Indiegogo funding target – (from Ian Barton on Google+)
    They reached their £90,000 target on 9th December. Looking forward to receiving my first magazine. Let’s hope that they start with Issue 0 like any proper geek magazine should. ( (
  • Valve’s SteamOS Now Available To Download; Linux Virgins Cautioned – Valve’s SteamOS is now freely available for download, but be warned that the installation procedure and general use is aimed squarely at the technically savvy for now. ( (
  • Debian-based SteamOS. Wait… what? Debian? SRSLY? – SteamOS was expected to be built on top of Ubuntu itself. Quite surprisingly instead, SteamOS is Debian-based.(
  • Everything you need to know to install SteamOS on your very own computer – Contrary to Valve’s warning, the install wasn’t complex or scary at all—though if you’ve never installed Linux before, it might take you a bit out of your comfort zone. (

Main Topic:

  • News of the Year 2013… as seen by the mintCast

Podcast Announcements:

  • mintCast is taking a break for the Christmas holidays. We will not be producing a show until the first week of January 2014. Check the mintCast Community on Google+ for the details.
  • Jonathan Nadeau is launching an indiegogo campaign to help bring digital sight to the vision impaired. Further developing the Orca screen reader for vision impaired users to access a computer. (
  • Hacker Public Radio will be running a 24-hour New Year’s show again this year. Remember this is not an “HPR Show”, but rather we are providing a platform for the community to get together to wish each other a happy new year. (

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe
Live Stream (Mondays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern):
Contact Us:

More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community

Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers were provided by Oscar.

2 Replies to “mintCast 187 – News Of The Year”

  1. Sid32

    Re: Android and linux.

    Ditch the cable and go with the Air Droid app. This is a life changing app and makes your phone incredible easy to get access too.

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