mintCast 159: Catching up with James

Listen: mintcast159.mp3 or mintcast159.ogg


  • The Mint development team launches a new blog. ( )
  • Debian 7.0 Wheezy is released. ( )
  • SolydXK gets added to the DistroWatch database. ( )
  • Lightworks Linux public beta is finally available for download. ( )
  • Iron Penguin: First open-source “Iron Man” suit within reach? ( )

The Main Topic:

  • Catching up with James.

Featured Website: (Thanks to Merely Jim)

Tip: (Thanks to Beardy Jesse)

  • The tree command. It’s a really simple command that allows you to see a tree type view of a folder hierarchy. I use it if I’m unsure of where a file/folder is, as it saves constantly having to use the ‘ls’ command in every folder to find a sub-sub-sub directory. I’d suggest limiting the depth with the -L flag because if you use it in your root directory, as it can return far too many results to be useful!

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott, James

Live Stream (Mondays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern):

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More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community

Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

13 Replies to “mintCast 159: Catching up with James”

  1. Bill_MI

    It WAS great to hear James! Quick checking came up with episode 136 for Nov 1 2012 as his last appearance.

    Please come back whenever you can, James.

  2. Michael Pacey


    I’ved enjoy listening to your podcast since I discovered it a month ago, some interesting stuff, thank you!

    I couldn’t help feeling sorry for you when you mentioned the “tree” command this week. You said that it beats navigating the directory hierarchy and typing “ls”, “cd ..” etc. Maybe you’ve not heard of the “find” command? Surely you have! But if you had, you wouldn’t be doing that! find lets you specify a shell pattern to match against file names at any level in the directory hierarchy. For example, “find . -name ‘readme*'” will find all files starting with “readme”. In GNU find, you can also do case insensitive matches with -iname. You can also get find to execute a command against every matching file. So if I wanted to change the permissions of every “readme” file, I could run “find . -iname ‘readme*’ -exec chmod 750 {} ;”. You can tell find to match only either files or directories with “-type d” and “-type f”. This is only a taster of the power of find! It really is a UNIX power tool, you can probably get a cordless version nowadays too!

    But I’m sure you have heard of find, you probably just forgot about it!



  3. BostonPeng

    Good to hear from James again!

    There is one Linux podcast that I always listen to that I’m not sure if you guys are familiar with: Everyday Linux ( They used to do some other podcasts that I loved, especially their Periodic Table, but they ran into some scheduling issues with the hosts so they’re on haitus, but you guys should definitely check out EDL.

  4. Sid32

    PTI Rocks! After the Mintcast its the first show I listen to. Glad to know that you can be into linux and not completely isolated from the sports world.

  5. Joel B

    I can’t listen to this episode. When I download it using a podcast app, I get a 404 Not Found. When I click either of the two “Download the podcast manually.” links above on this page, I get taken to a page that says “Error 404 – Sorry Dude! We can’t find that!” When I click the two streaming options, it tries to connect and then says File not found.

    These URLs are clearly broken for me:

  6. Nagilum

    Fancy schmancy tree..
    Just put this in your .profile:
    find $1 -type d -print|sort -f |sed -e “s,^$1,,” -e “/^$/d” -e “s,[^/]*/([^/]*)$,└────>1,” -e “s,[^/]*/,│ ,g”

    Nice show!

  7. qubodup

    My user experience with Mint, perhaps interesting to discuss at some point?

    I hear about mint being a lightweight and more idealistic (community instead of corporate) alternative to Ubuntu, so I want to check it out, perhaps install it on my grandparent’s computer, to replace the Ubuntu installation.

    I go to and see that there are four flavors.

    I stare at the screen for a few seconds. I have no clue what “MATE” is or “Cinnamon” are. I know XFCE and KDE but I have no clue how to find out what is the wisest choice and and I’m not really willing to do more than look at a colorful feature table to do so. So then I close the tab.

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