mintCast 140: Linux Logs


  • Mathew Garrett releases universal shim for Linux on UEFI. (

The Main Topic:

Linux Logs

    Some links to helpful articles:

Website and Tip of the Podcast (all in one):

  • Upgrade from Mint 13 to Mint 14 – Thanks to (HowToForge)
  • And the officially recommended way – Thanks to (LinuxMint)

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Hosts:: Rob, Scott, James
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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast bumpers are provided by Oscar.

5 Replies to “mintCast 140: Linux Logs”

  1. Enzro

    Thanks for continuing to do a great podcast. I no longer use mint, but I always recommend it. I have returned to my roots and have been using fedora for the last year. Fedora continues to be rock solid, even more so than mint. Your podcast is an excellent resource for all uses of linux. Thanks to Harrison, I tried Sabayon and love it. I always have the latest isos of Fedora, Mint and Sabayon. Continue the great work. How do I contribute to keep you guys providing this great service.

    • John A

      Err, Fedora and Sabayon? Rock solid? They are basically beta software testing grounds. It’s good that you suggest Mint though, Mint sure ain’t like that. 😉

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