Episode 90: Trolls in the News


  • Ubuntu 12.04 gets discussed at UDS: Further U-One integration, Universal Calendar, Further Qt integration, Removing Mono and Banshee for Rythmbox, ISO size now larger than the standard CD. (phoronix.com)
  • David Gerwitz admits he’s a hat3r, kind of. (zdnet.com)
  • Responses to Byfield on App Development. (itworld.com)
  • The Year of Linux will never arrive. (zdnet.com)
  • Gnome 3 to support all graphics drivers through LLVMpipe (software rendering). (gmane.org) (phoronix.com)
  • The Humble Bundle is at it again! Humble Voxatron Debut is now available. (humblebundle.com)
  • Computer Experts Building 1830s Babbage Analytical Engine. (nytimes.com)

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11 Replies to “Episode 90: Trolls in the News”

  1. Charlie

    I installed LM 12 RC yesterday as soon as it was released. Quiet a change, to the point of strange. After using Ubuntu 11.10 both Unity & Shell, it was great to get the bottom panel back, however there’s also an identical panel at the top. The username, time, tray icons, etc are now there which seems a waste of vertical real estate. Basically LM 12 RC gives you both the old gnome and the new shell running simultaneously. I was very surprised about the increase in speed of LM 12 over Ubuntu 11:10 Unity. The GUI has crashed and restarted a few times but most seems to going very well. I miss some thins which made Mint extra special, like right click “Launch on Log in”. Oh well, I guess it’s a work in progress.

    I believe Banshee & Tomboy are being dropped because they require Mono and Canonical wants to remove Mono in 12.04. Many people don’t like Mono but maybe Canonical fears a knock on the door from Microsoft Android (and .net) Blackmail Team.

  2. michael

    I’m thrilled with the RC so far. It’s really fast and while I don’t like the dual-bar setup, I like the super-key search in addition to the menu. I used to use Kupfer under Gnome 2 for the same purpose, and that kind of keystroke launching comes more naturally to me nowadays than the menus. On the other hand, I like *having* the menu for organizational purposes. The “hot corner” application menu takes too much time to get through.

  3. merelyjim

    I see I’m behind the curve… downloading the ISO now.

    Has anyone tried installing Banshee manually? I only use it as a front-end to the Amazon-MP3-store, but it’s worked really well as a front-end to the Amazon MP3 store.

    Nice podcast this last show, guys. Keep up the good work!

  4. BostonPeng

    I’m starting to thing the best way to respond to an article by David Gerwitz is simply to ignore it. If enough of us do it often enough maybe he’ll be like the annoying child he keeps reminding me of and go away. Yeah, I know, but a guy can hope, can’t he?

    You guys are going to get me to join Reddit just to keep up with y’all, aren’t ya? My family did the same things to me with Facebook.

  5. Farfel

    Disagree on two points:

    1) I haven’t read the articles you mentioned as trolling, so maybe he was. What I would like to know is what is considered valid criticism in the Linux community? Its my experience that almost any criticism is labelled as trolling.

    2) I’ve always believed Canonical built Ubuntu to leverage their paid services. However they did position Ubuntu as a community distro, pretty much from the beginning. I do have a problem with the direction Ubuntu is going – not because they are trying new things, but because, based on their market share, they are forcing a standard. I believe in freedom of choice, but because so many people use Ubuntu, Canonical is, in effect, limiting other choices. Unity and the new boot concept are fine, as long as that does not force other widely-used distros to do the same. And I think it might.

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