Episode 108: Girls Can!


  • LibreOffice to release cloud and Android versions in coming months (The Register)
  • More news on the Vivaldi tablet (Muktware)
  • Iceland pushes towards open source (ZDNet UK)
  • Miguel De Icaza announces the first release of Mono in over a year (H-Online)

The Main Topic:

  • Girls-Can!

Featured Website :

Bonus Link :

  • Hall of The Mountain King (performed by Apocalyptica) (YouTube)

Featured Tip :

  • How to disable nepomuk, strigi and akonadi in KDE 4.8 (My-Guides.net)

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “Episode 108: Girls Can!”

  1. menders

    Hello all,

    Sorry I was working while listening so I am not sure who was talking but it was the segment where you where talking about LMDE. They made the comment about how they do not like the wipe and reinstall treadmill. Well if you are on a Debian based distro that uses apt you do not have to do that. There is a command in apt called dist-upgrade. It is used to upgrade your distribution without the wipe and reinstall method. It handles the software upgrades and changes in an intelligent manner. Below is the process you would use to use this method, if you are doing this in a sudo environment preface each command with sudo:

    [first we make sure our current system is completely up to date]
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
    [now change all of your sources.list entries to the ones for the new version of your distro]
    [now run these command]
    apt-get update
    apt-get dist-upgrade

    There you have it you have just upgraded to the latest version of your distro without the wipe and reinstall treadmill.

    • Rob

      I put this procedure in the “often works” category. I know that the distro maintainers offer this capability, and I seem to recall that the “recommended” approach is a fresh install. I’d be interested in hearing from others who have done this successfully.

    • merelyjim

      Yup, it works…

      Wanted to see how LMDE Pack 4 was, so I changed the repos as directed in the forum post [http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=187&t=95434].

      Huge download! Felt like every file was replaced with something else.

      At one point, something got borked. I had to do a hard reboot, and then only got a command line, no GUI. Ran “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade” again, and watched code get re-arranged for another hour, at the end of which, ta-da: 3.2 is in the grub menu at reboot, and there’s the Xfce desktop.

      Everything is snappy and responsive. Bluetooth, wifi, everything working…

      I would advise hooking up with Cat5 rather than trusting the wifi connection, both because of the amount of data shifting around, and there’s a lot less to configure if/when something goes wrong…

      One step closer to the Holy Grail of Linux; the Perpetual Rolling Distro!

  2. Beardy Jesse

    Hi guys, a really interesting and inspirational podcast. It was great to hear that people are helping to get more girls into computing, especially as tinkering with hardware and building computers from old components was the thing that got me interested as a kid.

    I am a bit concerned however with how her model would transfer into the far more numerous mixed sex schools as it sounded like the barriers were broken down due – in part – to the girl only environment. I hope this does not prove a stumbling block and wish her all the best.

    Also you have talked about ideas for topics of future shows, and I was wondering if one could be customisation of your fresh install – what is it that you three in particular instantly install/run/customise/remove/adapt to make a new Mint box work the way you like? Do you have a script or other that does all these things for you?

    Oh and by the way, being as British as Yorkshire puddings and red telephone boxes, I’m pretty sure I’m qualified to chip in on the great “whilst debate”. So, stop mocking James as he’s the only one who has said it right thus far!

    I look forward to another brilliant show,


    • merelyjim

      “… stop mocking James?”
      That’ll be the day.

      I’m the youngest of five, and my “older and wiser” siblings and I follow the same pattern. It’s a very American way of showing affection. Next week, Rob and Scott will move onto a completely new topic to mock James about, just as there was some friendly ribbing between the two of them when James took a week off for Spring Break.

      • Beardy Jesse

        Oh, I fully agree James needs to be mocked regularly, but on this occasion he’s correct – I suspect it’s through pure luck though 😉

        Keep being optimistic James, I love your input to discussions!

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