
  • mintCast 350 – Rocky Road Ahead

    First up, in our Wanderings, Joe preps for 3D work and does some Audio editing, Tony gets older and has a new toy to play with, Bo has been educating himself, Moss destroys his wife’s computer by accident, and Josh was a little late.
    Then in the news, We have the latest Mint newsletter, Cinnamon 4.8 arrives, Elementary OS goes Pi, and much more  
    In security, we shed some light on Oblivious DNS over HTTPS

  • mintCast 349.5 – Just Some Linux ISOs

    In our Innards section, we talk Docker, OpenVPN and Transmission
    And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

  • mintCast 349 – NAT Ain’t A Firewall

    First up, in our Wanderings, Leo has another helping of Pi, Moss gets spooked, Josh changes up the desktop, and Joe strips.
    Then in the news, OpenSUSE’s going public?, Pine64 feels the Plasma, and Linux gets Ray tracing.
    In security, kill switches and a reminder that NAT ain’t a firewall.

  • mintCast 348.5 – Shepherding Pis

    In our Innards section, we continue our talk on Raspberry Pi Projects.
    And finally, the feedback and a couple suggestions

  • mintCast 348 – 400 Raspberry Pies

    First up, in our Wanderings, Leo colorizes his terminal, Josh eyeballs an eggroll, Tony gives the Gorilla another go, and Joe fiddles with firmware
    Then, in our news, the Raspberry Pi launches a whole new dessert, GIMP is almost ready for GTK3, 
    In security, Ubuntu’s GDM3 has a root bug

Linux Mint

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