mintCast 149: Extra! Extra!

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

7 Replies to “mintCast 149: Extra! Extra!”

  1. Robert

    Thank you for another good episode of mintCast.

    Like other listeners that provide feedback recommending software, I need to make an amendment to my recommendation for “tedia2sql”.

    “tedia2sql” is partially broken and is no longer supported by its developer.

    Fortunately another project has taken the lead and provides the means to generate SQL from a Dia diagram file. The perl name for the project is Parse::Dia::SQL and is in CPAN. Ubuntu provides a package for this utility under the name of “libparse-dia-sql-perl”.

    The command line utility for “lib-parse-dia-sql-perl” is “parsediasql” and has similar syntax to “tedia2sql”. “parsediasql” supports more databases than “tedia2sql”. It supports generating SQL for SQLite3 databases.

    To learn more about how to build a Dia diagram to use with “parsediasql”, you will still need to use the documentation for “tedia2sql” which can be found at:

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