Tag: Ubuntu
369 – Cache Flushing
First up in the news Linux Mint is ready for the facelift, Snaps get an upgrade, Kernel 5.14 is out, and 5.15 is looking good, and Ubuntu gets a release date
In security cache flushing and Bluetooth flaws
Then in our Wanderings Joe pines a phone with plasma, Tony walks 500 miles, and I search for a keyboard
367 – What’s Old Is New Again
First up in the news, Linux Mint working on the website, more on the SteamDeck, Ubuntu debuts its new installer, and some release dates
In security, Open Source Security has a big problem!
Then in our Wanderings, I’ve been arching, Tony has been watching Cricket, Joe has been working on games consoles.
mintCast 365 – Upgrade Time
First up in the news, we realize the Kernel is 30, Ubuntu tweaks its themes, Mint 20.2 is here and Audacity owners are causing a stir in the community again.
In security Kaseya and PrintNightmare
Then in our Wanderings, Leo migrates his blog, Joe gets busy, Tony struggles with 5.11, and Mike jumpstarts a MacOS VM.
mintCast 362 – The Takeover
First up, in our Wanderings, I’ve been system building, Joe has been playing with his new 3D printer, Bo has range anxiety and Tony has been learning about creating YouTube videos
Then in our news, Freenode taken over by Andrew Lee and Ubuntu and Fedora abandon ship, Material Shell for Gnome 40, Fedora 32 is end of life, and more
Linux Mint
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