Tag: Steam

  • mintCast 353 – Brave New WWW

    First up, in our Wanderings, I have second thoughts about Kubuntu, Moss has a new toy, Joe has been playing with watches, Tony has been editing audio, Josh hasn’t broken Arch, Bo survived the pandemic!
    Then, our news we talk RPi Pico, Ubuntu’s Booting on an Apple M1, Flatpak is faster, Project Linux turns into Alma Linux, and more
    In security, the InterPlanetary File System

  • mintCast 347 – For the Halibut (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, I pop a kernel, Bo gets refreshed, Josh keeps his chameleon alive, Tony Hughes becomes a hermit, Moss bites into another distro, Joe gets it HANDled, and Tony Watts does the upgrade dance
    Then, in our news, Linux Mint gives us an update, Ubuntu and Fedora both get released, XDA has a phone now, and Microsoft Edges into the Linux browser market
    In security, Chromium blocks annoyances and fixes a font rendering flaw, and Wordpress fixes some bad ones

  • mintCast 347 – For the Halibut

    First up, in our Wanderings, I pop a kernel, Bo gets refreshed, Josh keeps his chameleon alive, Tony Hughes becomes a hermit, Moss bites into another distro, Joe gets it HANDled, and Tony Watts does the upgrade dance
    Then, in our news, Linux Mint gives us an update, Ubuntu and Fedora both get released, XDA has a phone now, and Microsoft Edges into the Linux browser market
    In security, Chromium blocks annoyances and fixes a font rendering flaw, and Wordpress fixes some bad ones

  • mintCast 338 – Two Oh Snap (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, Owen refurbishes, Tony prints new stuff, Moss has a panic attack, Joe attends a LUG, Bo games, and I upgrade to 20.
    Then, in the news, we focus on the new release of Linux Mint 20
    In security, Ripple20

  • mintCast 338 – Two Oh Snap

    First up, in our Wanderings, Owen refurbishes, Tony prints new stuff, Moss has a panic attack, Joe attends a LUG, Bo games, and I upgrade to 20.
    Then, in the news, we focus on the new release of Linux Mint 20
    In security, Ripple20

Linux Mint

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